German Foundation Refuses To Return Queen Nefertiti




How are you my brothers and sisters?
~May Allah swt blessed you and your families
the best of health~Amin!

BERLIN/CAIRO, 2011 (Reuters)

Image above of: File photo of German Chancellor Angela Merkel looking at the statue of Queen Nefertiti (Nofretete) after a ceremony marking the opening of the Neues Museum (New Museum) in Berlin

— A German foundation rejected Monday an Egyptian request to return the 3,400-year-old bust of Queen Nefertiti, a sculpture which draws over one million viewers annually to a Berlin museum.

Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) sent the request to the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, which runs the Neues Museum in the German capital where the bust is kept.

"The foundation's position on the return of Nefertiti remains unchanged," foundation president Professor Hermann Parzinger said in a statement. "She is and remains the ambassador of Egypt in Berlin."

Egypt's antiquities chief, Zahi Hawass, appealed to the foundation seeking the return of the bust, famed for its almond-shaped eyes and swan-like neck. However, the foundation said it did not consider the letter an official state request as it had not been signed by Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif.

German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt discovered the bust about 275 km south of Cairo in 1912, and it was taken to Germany the following year.

Hawass, who sent a similar letter in 2009, has said in the past that documents presented by the Neues Museum confirmed Borchardt tried to pass the bust off as a less significant find to secure it for Berlin. The museum has said it was acquired lawfully and Egypt had no legal claim to it.

The SCA, which Hawass heads, said in an email that its request had been approved by both Prime Minister Nazif and the Egyptian ministry of culture.

"This request is a natural consequence of Egypt's long-standing policy of seeking the restitution of all archaeological and historical artefacts that have been taken illicitly out of the country," it said.

Hawass has campaigned to repatriate several pharaonic treasures in recent years, including the Rosetta Stone now in the British Museum.

(Reporting by Eric Kelsey in Berlin and Patrick Werr in Cairo; writing by Brian Rohan; editing by David Stamp)

~May Allah swt protect our National Treasures~Amin!
Thank you for reading.
Take Care!
~Wassalam :)


Junior Member

Before current events started I thought that the items should be given back. Right now I am not so sure. When things are stable, then it should be. Right now? It would just be destroyed.

As far as Egypt having no legal claim? That's absurd. If I go to someone's house and take something and walk out then say they have no legal claim to it... Just ridiculous.


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu allaicum wa raahmtullah wa baraaktuhu

SubhanAllah, with how much admiration Angela Merkel is looking at the statue of Queen Nefertiti???

Wa la hawle we la quwete illa billahi



Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,

Kinda like the white man taking the lands of the Native Americans.

I'd go back to where my ancestors were from, but I'm not sure any of the 7-10 countries would take me. I'd leave in a heartbeat at this point. Evil white person that I am.


Assalaam walaikum,

Valerie, how can you be evil. You are a good person. You ask important questions. You are opening your world to a different way of thinking.

Sometimes what we say may seem alarming..but it is just a different perspective.

You are an individual who wants the same as I : to love each other for the sake of Allah.


Striving for Paradise
Assalamu allaicum wa raahmtullah wa baraaktuhu

SubhanAllah, with how much admiration Angela Merkel is looking at the statue of Queen Nefertiti???

Wa la hawle we la quwete illa billahi


Well said sister Asja,

Let those people who admire her keep the statue of Nefertiti. She is one of those who are mentioned in the Glorious Quran in this way:

040.046 In front of the Fire they are brought, morning and evening: And on the Day that Judgment it will be commanded: "Cast ye the People of Pharaoh into the severest Punishment!"

So let them admire whoever they want to admire.
