Glory be to The One and Only.

Abu Fauzi

Junior Member
Salaam everyone,
Ayat 2 of Surat Ikhlas of the Holy Qur'an (112:2) reads: 'ALLAHU SAMAD'. If Allah, Azza Wa Jallah, is SAMAD, then we must be part of His SAMADIYYA. This SAMADIYYA of Allah is in 2 aspects, namely:--

1) His absolute Independence from all things.

2) The absolute Dependence of all things on Him, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

Thus when you lift up that cup/glass to drink water, it is only BY and THROUGH the Mercy of Allah [as Rahman and Raheem] that your thirst can be quenched. This is the reality of things and the wisdom of our reciting the 'BASMALA when eating, drinking etc

Does water remove thirst? Does the fire have the power to burn? When Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, was placed in the fire by his enemies, what happened? It became 'BARDAN WA SALAAMAN', a place of security and tranquility... because Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, creates, controls and gives effect every single second, to every single creation, at any time He Wishes.

When we, as slaves of the Creator, say 'BISMILLAHI RAHMANI RAHEEM',we affirm the reality of things... ie that it is only BY AND THROUGH THE MERCY OF ALLAH, do things happen/occur, including quenching our thirst with a cup of cold water. And by our affirming this with faith in our reciting the 'Basmala, Allah then sends His Blessings [BARAKA] upon the acts we do.