Fatima S.Ar
Happiness = Islam
Assalamu Alaikom everybody !!
I hope you're doing well , may Allah accept our prayers in this Holy Month of Ramadhan .
I just want to give you a very warm Salam from one of the sisters here
She came to perform Omrah and she with her father came to visit us in Jeddah , I'm soooooo happy that I met her , she's the first internet friend I meet .
Big salam to you from sister Yasmine ( muslimah_mtl )
When she first came to the house , I made her confused to choose who is Fatmia , between me & my sister :tongue: she chose my sister , then she asked right ? one said yes one said I donno and we kept her confused some mintues then we admit of the reality Lol .
I'm sooo happy al7amdulillah Thanks to God , THEN Thank you TTI , we knew each other here
I opened my TTI account yesterday with her and we talked about you , Amatullah you're awesome Ma sha'a Allah , me & yasmine love you so much ^
I brought her a surprise , a cake written on it WELCOME YASMINE ^_^
By the way , my mother says welcome to anyone of you , when you come here to perfom Hajj or Omrah , you're welcomed to visit us
I'm not sure if this offer also for males :tongue:
Again , Yasmine gives you her SALAM
Thanks for reading .
I hope you're doing well , may Allah accept our prayers in this Holy Month of Ramadhan .
I just want to give you a very warm Salam from one of the sisters here
She came to perform Omrah and she with her father came to visit us in Jeddah , I'm soooooo happy that I met her , she's the first internet friend I meet .
Big salam to you from sister Yasmine ( muslimah_mtl )
When she first came to the house , I made her confused to choose who is Fatmia , between me & my sister :tongue: she chose my sister , then she asked right ? one said yes one said I donno and we kept her confused some mintues then we admit of the reality Lol .
I'm sooo happy al7amdulillah Thanks to God , THEN Thank you TTI , we knew each other here
I opened my TTI account yesterday with her and we talked about you , Amatullah you're awesome Ma sha'a Allah , me & yasmine love you so much ^
I brought her a surprise , a cake written on it WELCOME YASMINE ^_^
By the way , my mother says welcome to anyone of you , when you come here to perfom Hajj or Omrah , you're welcomed to visit us
I'm not sure if this offer also for males :tongue:
Again , Yasmine gives you her SALAM
Thanks for reading .