
Junior Member

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

Alhamdulliah, I have returned from fulfilling the Haj in Mecca and is in good health.

The experience in Mecca and Medina was unforgettable, spiritually inspring and were filled with numerous challenges. I managed to stay strong and did all the rituals (mandatory actvities) with little difficulties.

The masjid Nabawi and Baitul Haram :ma:were awesome and it makes one wants to stay there forever.
The joy of congregating and praying with millions of Muslims from all over the world was indescribabale. The sight of the Kaaba brought tears to my eyes ech time I performed the Tawaf.

And It was Haj Akbar this year since Ukuf fell on a Friday

Thats all for the moment:inshallah: will write again soon.

Brother Zulmh