Hello/Salam everyone


New Member
Hello everyone, this is Zakir. I grew up in a muslim-family but never really followed or really liked Islam, the major reason because my ancestors were abused, tortured by Pakistani Muslims after converting to Islam from Hinduism. Infact, most of my family ancestors were killed by the Pakistanis (71 Pak-BD war, google: bangla genocide). Anyway, recently, few months ago, I saw some videos with 'Turn to Islam' title on it, some of them were great, I got somewhat interested in Islam and decided to join this forum.


Staff member
Assalamu alaykum.

Hmmm... my grandfather died by Pakistani's too. I didn't know him, neither did my mother. But that's no reason to blame Islam, that's not reason to hate Islam :astag: Because that would institute Kufr I think. Look, those Pakistanis will be judged and held accountable by Allah (swt) ok? So it's not for anyone to decide that just because these people did something, means it was right in Islam. Man, Murder is on the bad list in Islam. It is forbidden to take another life unjustly.

May Allah bless your family members that were killed ... but that's not excuse for anyone to not know and understand as well as follow thier Deen.

Insha'allah you'll learn a lot from here. I'm not critizing you or anyone else, just merely saying that if we judge Islam, by some stupid Muslims, HOW ARE WE ANY DIFFERENT FROM THE ISLAMOPHOBES? how are we different in our thinking than the non-Muslims? That is such a defeatest approach, seriously.

Anyway, that wasn't the point. Welcome to the forum. I hope you benefit from your time here. Insha'allah.



Junior Member
I am glad you are interested in your faith and welcome i hope you enjoy this wenbsite and benefit from it.
i agree with samiha^


Junior Member
Assalamu A'laikum,

Nice to meet another Bangladeshi :). It is really not wise to judge Islam based on actions of Pak's 71 era. I agree with Samiha...


Im Proud 2 B Me!

Welcome to TTI

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

Take Care,