Hello to new friends.


New Member
Hello my name is Simon and I would like to say hello to all involved in the website, and peace to all. I have discovered a real warmth and beauty within Islam. It really saddens me the way so much of what we hear is so distorted throuh the popular media. I am really looking forward to exploring this site and and Islam further. Speak soon.


Junior Member
Hi Simon,
I hope you are in good health. Welcome to TTI .Feel free to cruise around the TTI and also feel free to ask any questions brothers and sisters in Islam in this websites are ready to help you.Or learn from you.I believe God has already open your heart by allowing yourself to study Islam and that is good and first step. May Allah guide you to the right path.Ameen.

Paki Idol

Defender of Islam
Welcome to TTI!
No doubt, Islam is the religion of peace, blesssings, love, brotherhood and all those Good things we would want to have and to share with others.I pray that may you benefit alot by communicating with us.
salaamalikum Simon,

May this be a rewarding experience for you as well as to others. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you have.


Junior Member
Hello Simon

Glad you could join us its kool having you here

Ask anything you want I will try and help you in the best way I can


New Member
Thanks for your welcome and to everybody who replied. I am really looking forward to opening my heart up to what is on offer from Islam. I have been drawn to it for sometime but it is a difficult subject to bring up with friends and family who are non-muslims, they look at you like your a bit crazy for even contemplating it. Im 45 years old and have lived a fairly eventful life, I have done a lot of travelling and experienced many ups and downs and now feel that I need something more in my life. Thankyou again. Speak soon.