help with a question please.


Junior Member
:salam2:Well here is the deal i wanted to ask you guys something,i was going to get married this year, but somehow it did not work out in the end because of the parents....i have lost the only person that i ever loved more than myself and anything else it was a huge drama for both of us, we knew each other since childhood ....However, Am still in school and working at the same time.alhamdulillah am doing good financially as well even though am still studying and living far away from my family ...etc .I still can provide thanks to my arms as well.

Is it allowed to marry a non Muslim women that i know until i finish my school?Because i have a friend of mine that would be fine with it,in fact she asked me if we could be together i said that it wasn t allowed in Islam for me to live with a woman unless married, so now she said that we should marry then.However i don t know if it is technically allowed in Islam.

Folks am going koukou i can not wait other two years to get married by telling some parents that i have a gold mine a bunch of hotels and 100 cows somewhere in the country side.
Eventough she is nice and pretty i just wanna marry her for a certain period of time and i would tell her that from the start, until am fully ready to marry a Muslim girl.Is this allowed or is it considered mutaa? eventough it is for a longer period maybe two to three years....

Advices appreciated any legal approach with references even more.



Travelling towards my grave.

marrying an ahlul kithaab (Jews and Christians) woman is allowed in islam...however, marrying even a muslim girl for a particular period of time is totally you said, it is a mut'aa marriage brother...

make sure the step you make is accepted by ALLAH (swt)...

may ALLAH (swt) make it easy for you...


-brother Ibnadam-


Junior Member
Eventough she is nice and pretty i just wanna marry her for a certain period of time and i would tell her that from the start, until am fully ready to marry a Muslim girl.

why such intention bro? why dont u teach her about islam, and if she is ready to accept and practise islam then stay with her until your death as husband and wife?

And it is in the case mutaa.

muta marriege is decided by the intention and not by the time.


Junior Member
why such intention bro? why dont u teach her about islam, and if she is ready to accept and practise islam then stay with her until your death as husband and wife?

And it is in the case mutaa.

muta marriege is decided by the intention and not by the time.
:salam2:because i wanna marry another woman akhi one day inshallah,when am done with my studies and can move there,i can not give her the love and dedication she would expect ,as it is and will remain somwhere else,so what is the point of marrying her for a whole life?

:salam2: Brother . What you are saying is muta marriage. And it is forbidden in islam and by the prophet. In the earlier days of islam they used to do it. But later on the prophet forbid this kind of marriage. The shia still do it but you wont find any sunni doing it.


New Member

marrying an ahlul kithaab (Jews and Christians) woman is allowed in islam...however, marrying even a muslim girl for a particular period of time is totally you said, it is a mut'aa marriage brother...

make sure the step you make is accepted by ALLAH (swt)...

may ALLAH (swt) make it easy for you...


-brother Ibnadam-

Hello brother!

I think you need to think again about your answer above!
You were right about it being allowed to marry the ahlil kitab but Inm my opinion and many of the imams and mujtahedin fil din you should marry someone eventhough for a short period of time as long as you accept and pay all the womans right!!!

So do you advise our brother to either go and marry the lady he mentioned above for good and hope for the best without even knowing her enough to start his life together with her


Just be together without any marriage and out of Islamic law which Im sure neither way are recommended by whoever has a little knowledge about Islam and Allah and ofcourse human right (ISLAMIC WAY AND NOT WESTER WAY) :)

Please reply to me if Im wrong so me and everyone else who dont know as good as you know aswell and may Allah bless us with some knowledge just like you and all our brothers and sisters who work hard to make Islam as pleasant as it should be and has been.

Wan min allah toufiq

Maryam Sayyidina

Junior Member
No no

Be careful, marriage it's not as easy as we think and it's regarding our promise and agreement to Allah,also to the partner. Just suggestion: wait until yourself really ready for a marry, ask her to Islam if you really want to marry her. Ask her commitment to Islam, not ask her to doing that Islam allow to do. She should believe Islam as her faith, Iman, just like you believe Islam. Because it won't work when she marry you just because you guys want a halal relationship. Marriage is not only about physical needs brother.. Its should have mission to build a small Islam civilization..

One of the Hadist said that Mut'aa marriage is haram :
Hadits Ali bin Abi Thalib Radiyallahu ‘anhu (HR. Bukhari 5115, Muslim 1407).

you can open this one too as reference


Junior Member
Hello brother!

Just be together without any marriage and out of Islamic law which Im sure neither way are recommended by whoever has a little knowledge about Islam and Allah and of course human right (ISLAMIC WAY AND NOT WESTER WAY) :)
:salam2:That is not an issue at all for me thanks for your concern. However , i have heard of what you mentioned above eventough i myself thought of it as not being really absorbable from an ethical perspective. Still the scholars differ in the matter.It is called myssyar i think, it might seem contradictory to y all but i myself don t like the idea .

حكم زواج المسيار ، وأجر صبر الزوجة على كثرة زواج زوجها
هل زواج المسيار أن تكون الزوجة متنازلة عن حقوقها ؟ أنا زوجي متزوج ثالثة ، ولا يعدل بيننا ، ويقول : زواج المسيار ليس له عدل بينكن ، وهل لي أجر على تحمل زوجي بتعدده للزوجات وإلا طلبت الطلاق منه لأنه مفتون بالنساء ؟ مع العلم أني زوجته الأولى وأم أولاده وبناته ، هل لنا أجر على تحملنا الهم والعذاب الذي نراه ؟

الحمد لله
لا بدَّ من توفر شروط وأركان حتى يكون النكاح صحيحاً ، ومنها :
تعيين الزوجين ، ورضاهما ، وموافقة ولي المرأة وتوليه العقد ، والإشهاد أو الإشهار....
وتجد تفصيل ذلك في جواب السؤال رقم : ( 2127 ) .
وزواج " المسيار" يصح إذا توفرت فيه شروط عقد النكاح وأركانه ، وصورة هذا الزواج موجودة في القديم ، وفيه يَشترط الزوج على المرأة التي يرغب بالتزوج منها أن لا يقسم بينها وبين نسائه بالتساوي ، أو لا ينفق عليها ، أو لا يسكنها ، وقد يشترط أن يكون لها النهار دون الليل ، وهو ما يسمى " النهاريات " ، وقد تكون المرأة هي المبادرة بإسقاط حقوقها ، فقد تكون صاحبة مال ومسكن فتُسقطهما عنه ، وقد ترضى بالنهار دون الليل ، وقد ترضى بعدد أيام دون أيام ضرائرها ، وهذا هو المشهور في زماننا .
وهذا الإسقاط للحقوق من كلا الطرفين لا يجعل النكاح محرَّماً ، وإن كرهه بعض أهل العلم لكنه لا يخرج عن الجواز من حيث شروطه وأركانه .
وفي " مصنف ابن أبي شيبة " ( 3 / 337 ) :
عن الحسن البصري وعطاء بن أبي رباح أنهما كانا لا يريان بأسا بتزويج النهاريات .
وفي ( 3 / 338 ) :
عن عامر الشعبي أنه سئل عن الرجل يكون له امرأة فيتزوج المرأة ، فيشترط لهذه يوماً ولهذه يومين ؟ قال : لا بأس به . انتهى
وفي المرجع السابق ذَكَر أنه كرهه محمد بن سيرين ، وحماد بن أبي سليمان ، والزهري .
وقد أفتى كثير من علمائنا المعاصرين بإباحته .
سئل الشيخ ابن باز رحمه الله:
عن زواج المسيار ، وهذا الزواج هو أن يتزوج الرجل ثانية أو ثالثة أو رابعة ، وهذه الزوجة يكون عندها ظروف تجبرها على البقاء عند والديها أو أحدهما في بيتها ، فيذهب إليها زوجها في أوقات مختلفة تخضع لظروف كل منهما ، فما حكم الشريعة في مثل هذا الزواج ؟ .
فأجاب - رحمه الله - :
" لا حرج في ذلك إذا استوفى العقد الشروط المعتبرة شرعاً ، وهي وجود الولي ورضا الزوجين ، وحضور شاهدين عدلين على إجراء العقد ، وسلامة الزوجين من الموانع ؛ لعموم قول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( أحق ما أوفيتم من الشروط أن توفوا به ما استحللتم به الفروج ) ؛ وقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( المسلمون على شروطهم ) ، فإذا اتفق الزوجان على أن المرأة تبقى عند أهلها ، أو على أن القسم يكون لها نهاراً لا ليلاً ، أو في أيام معينة ، أو ليالي معينة : فلا بأس بذلك ، بشرط إعلان النكاح ، وعدم إخفائه " .
" فتاوى علماء البلد الحرام " ( ص 450 ، 451 ) .
لكن لما أسيء استعماله من قبَل كثيرين توقف بعض أولئك العلماء الذين كانوا يفتون بجوازه ، توقفوا عن القول بالجواز ، ومن أبرز هؤلاء الشيخان عبد العزيز بن باز والعثيمين رحمهما الله .
سئل الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز – رحمه الله - :
ما الفرق بين زواج المسيار والزواج الشرعي ، وما الشروط الواجب توافرها لزواج المسيار؟ فأجاب :
" الواجب على كل مسلم أن يتزوج الزواج الشرعي ، وأن يحذر ما يخالف ذلك ، سواء سمي " زواج مسيار " ، أو غير ذلك ، ومن شرط الزواج الشرعي الإعلان ، فإذا كتمه الزوجان : لم يصح ؛ لأنه والحال ما ذكر أشبه بالزنى " انتهى .
" فتاوى الشيخ ابن باز " ( 20 / 431 ، 432 ) .
والحقيقة أن هذا النكاح حل لكثير من مشكلات العنوسة التي تفشت في المجتمعات الإسلامية ، فلا يستطيع الرجل أن يلتزم بالقسْم بين نسائه ، أو لا يستطيع النفقة على زوجتين ، ويوجد من النساء من تملك مالاً ومسكناً وترغب في إعفاف نفسها ، فيأتيها الزوج في أيامٍ من الأسبوع ، أو في فترة من الشهر ، وقد يقدِّر الله بينهما من الألفة والعشرة وحسن الظروف ما يتغير حال زواجه منها إلى الأفضل ، فيقسم بالعدل ، وينفق عليها بنفسه ويسكنها .
وفيه أيضاً مفاسد لا تخفى ، من الاختلاف بعد وفاة الزوج على التركة ، ومن إخفائه وعدم إعلانه ، ومن التذرع بهذا الزواج من قبَل بعض المفسدين والمفسدات ، فتكون علاقتهما محرَّمة ، ويسكنان بعيداً عن أعين الأقرباء والجيران ، فإذا رآهما أحد قالا : هذا زواج مسيار!
وبعد هذا يتبين لك أختنا السائلة أنه لا يجوز لزوجك أن يقتطع حقك ويظلمك في حقوقك ؛ لأنه لم يتزوجك بتلك الشروط ، وأنتِ زوجته الأولى ، وإن كان هناك نقص في أيام البيات فليكن عند نسائه الأخريات لا عندك ، فمن تزوجها منهن زواج مسيار هي التي تسقط حقها في النفقة أو السكن أو المبيت ( حسب ما تم الاتفاق عليه ) ، ولا يحل له أن يمكث أيامه ولياليه عند نسائه ظالماً لك ، وخاصة أنك لم تتنازلي عن حقك .
تزوج الرجل بامرأة أخرى قد يكون سببه الزوج ، وقد يكون سببه الزوجة ، فقد يكون الزوج قوي الشهوة ولا تكفيه واحدة ، وقد يكون كثير الأسفار لبلد معيَّن ، فيحتاج لزوجة تعفه ، وتخدمه .
وقد يكون السبب من المرأة ؛ وذلك بتقصيرها في نظافة بيتها ، والعناية بأولادها ، وتجملها لزوجها وإعفافه ، فإن كان الأمر هو الثاني فعليكِ مراجعة نفسك ، والبحث عن الخلل الذي كان سبباً لزوجك لأن يتزوج من أخرى ، وإن كان الأمر هو الأول : فليس لك إلا الصبر ، والصبر له منزلة عظيمة في الشرع ، والصابر على طاعة الله ، وعن معصيته ، وعلى قضاء الله تعالى له من الأجور العظيمة عند الله تعالى بغير حساب ، كما قال تعالى : ( إِنَّمَا يُوَفَّى الصَّابِرُونَ أَجْرَهُمْ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ ) الزمر/10 .
وأنت لك من الأجر العظيم عند الله تعالى إن اتقيتيه في حياتك الزوجية ، وفي القيام بحقوق الزوج ، والعناية بالأولاد وتربيتهم ، كما لك أجر عند الله إن صبرتِ على زوجك في تزوجه بأخرى غيرك .
وانظري جواب السؤال رقم ( 21421 ) ففيه تفصيل هذا الأمر .
نسال الله تعالى أن يرزقك الصبر والرضى ويصلح لك ز

jazakillahu khair


Junior Member
becarful my brother and don't look for any odd fatwa to make your situation easily because married someone is not just a matter of time
but it's a whole life you don't know what will happend ?
how many ppm have fall in love in the situation like this !!!!
you are human and you can't controle your feeling or love ...
i understand your situation but you have to be more considerable in the fact
Allaah know the best​


Junior Member
becarful my brother and don't look for any odd fatwa to make your situation easily​
salaam,who said that akhi,if you read my post carefully,you would notice that what i said was that i did not like the idea,was just referring to what the sister had mentioned at the beginning of her post.It is only allah swt that makes things easy akhi not our perceptions of how we could approach difficulties,we can strive but the easiness comes from him not from ijtihad or fatwas.jazakallahu khair for your advice



Striving for Paradise
Brother Jameel,

Instead of doing a haram thing (mutta) do halal things. If Islam has given you permission to have more than one wife then why you are interested in finding ways to do a wrong thing ?

Marry this non-Muslim (but ahl-e-kitab) women (to be fair you may have to inform her about your intentions) and then when you are ready to marry this another girl who you love, get married to her too.

And if this non-Muslim lady accepts Islam you will get a lot of ajar for that too.


Junior Member
salaam,who said that akhi,if you read my post carefully,you would notice that what i said was that i did not like the idea,was just referring to what the sister had mentioned at the beginning of her post.It is only allah swt that makes things easy akhi not our perceptions of how we could approach difficulties,we can strive but the easiness comes from him not from ijtihad or fatwas.jazakallahu khair for your advice

baraka Allaah fik my brother I know you are good man
and i understand your situation
may Allaah help you
by the way even to get married with Ahl kitab
she must be a good person and some stuff like Afifa ( she doesn't have unfair with other guys like western girls)...


Pls mak Duwa 4 me

Brother at first with all your post and replies before all what i have seen ur knowledge and understand is much better then mine alhomdolila but still just daring to say what i think with my lil understand.

At first bro as many brothers/sisters said above and u may also know Mutta is not allowed according u sunni ullama (REST ALLAH KNOWS THE BEST) and the way u said it may lead to mutta so its better to avoid it insha Allah. But as u dont want to wait also so can consult ur parents or to whom u want to get married in ur country. may be u may get the solution from there Allah knows the best. They may agree to make u married with ur love or someone in ur country by now only or they may also agree that u can marry at the place where u r now in this way u can marry second also without berating anyone and u can say to ur first women also that u will be marrying someone after some time as she is y love. By this u will atleast know what they will think about these step.

What I belive is its always good to talk things openly and freely. some time it may look hard in start but it will avoide long time problem insha Allah. This is just my thinking and thoughts but insha Allah u may get much better advices here as many knowladgeable Brothers/Sisters here .

May Allah guide you and help you out from the the situation u r in with the best for this and that world. Ameen.

Allah hafiz.


Junior Member
she must be a good person and some stuff like Afifa ( she doesn't have unfair with other guys like western girls)...


I think you meant the word affair and I find that sort of generalization quite offensive. Western women are not some wild, promiscious creatures having sex with every man in sight. I think you will find people having affiars in every culture, otherwise there wouldn't be hadd punishment in Saudi, no? PLease refrain from assuming women in the West are all promiscious.

As far as responding to the original brother, marrying a woman with the intent to eventually to divorce her is mutaa, period. Whether you be with her one day or one year, it's mutaa because the intention is to one day divorce her. This appears that you are trying to justify it to yourself by finding a fatwa and forcing it to fit your desires.





I think you meant the word affair and I find that sort of generalization quite offensive. Western women are not some wild, promiscious creatures having sex with every man in sight. I think you will find people having affiars in every culture, otherwise there wouldn't be hadd punishment in Saudi, no? PLease refrain from assuming women in the West are all promiscious.

As far as responding to the original brother, marrying a woman with the intent to eventually to divorce her is mutaa, period. Whether you be with her one day or one year, it's mutaa because the intention is to one day divorce her. This appears that you are trying to justify it to yourself by finding a fatwa and forcing it to fit your desires.






Make dua for us all
:salam2: brother Jameel

hang in there aki... you not the only one whose about to go koukou... -amazing how one can easily get married to a non-muslim than to a muslim sister :SMILY309:...

everyone have their tests in this life... life is short

what is your test? thread...

Ina Allah ma shabirin... Allah is with patient ones...

wasalamo alaikom



You bring to light what many young Muslim men face. And I have seen many a man marry a non-Muslim girl..and leave her with children later on.

Son, the trouble with marriage is that it is not black and white. It has tons of glue. It is sticky and often messy. Sometimes the bitterness of a divorce stunts the psychological and spritual growth of both partners.

Often in a marriage when one partner is not Muslim it makes it a long and difficult road. The couple is not on the same ground at the onset of the marriage. Things become harder,later on in the realtionship.

And the nature of women is such..she will not wish to divorce later on. Women like to hold on to their men.

If you feel she is someone who will honor your wishes and accept a second wife..go on. But, understand she has feelings too. Simply put you are asking a woman to be your wife for a little while until you meet a person who is closer to you in faith and/or culture. And then you will let her go. Honey, that an awfully bitter pill to take.

Do I have the right read on this?


Junior Member
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

SUBHANALLAH akhi why do you have to break somebody heart just marring her for your own interest, is it not something called selfesness bro . You only thing of youself . Have you ever though if she gets pregnant will it be only a temporary baby SUBHANALLAH think twice before you do such a thing which is against al ISLAM . I dont have to be a scholar to prove it but i say its wrong .
And by the way what happened to sabar (patience) are we not order by ALLAH(AZA WA JALLAH) to be patience in every situation my brother where is yours?. Dont destroy her life if you are not going to marry her with the intention of staying with her for the rest of her if so.KULA SHEIN BIN NIYA.

And this verse: "For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise,- for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward." 33:
If any do deeds of righteousness,- be they male or female - and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them." 4:124

And whosoever is conscious of Allah, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Indeed Allah has sent a measure for all things." [65:2-3]

If Allah wants to favor someone, He grants him comprehension (understanding) of this religion."
[Sahih Bukhari vol.1 # 71, Tirmidhi and Musnad Ahmad]


*Fear Allah*

Shia Forbidden Practise of Temporary Marriage

By Abu Sufyan Source: Al Mudaa-fi'eena Anis Sahbati

All praise is due to Allah, Whom we ask for help and forgiveness. We seek the protection of Allah from the sins of ourselves and our deeds. No one can misguide whom He guides, and whom He does not guide, will never find a guide.

I testify that there is no God but Allah, the One with no partner, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

In the days before the battle of khaibar the Prophet Muhammad permitted the use of temporary marriage.
"Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa' (r.a): 'In the year of Autas, Allahs Messenger permitted a temporary marriage for three nights, but he prohibited it afterwards."
{Sahih Muslim}

Unfortunately the Shiah had conveniently forgotten the part where it was forbidden, and have fabricated many lies trying to justify this clear haram act.... Insha-Allah firstly I will quote just some of the hadeeth clearly stating that this form of marriage is haram.
•"Narrated 'Ali (r.a): Allah's Messenger forbade the temporary marriage in the year of khaibar." {Sahih Muslim & Sahih Bukhari}
•"Narrated 'Ali (r.a): At the battle of Khaibar, the Prophet forbade the temporary marriage (i.e Mu'ta) of women, and the eating of the flesh of domestic asses." {Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Ahmad, An-Nasa'i, At-Termidhi and Ibn Majah have all collected it}
•"Narrated Rabi bin Sabra on the Authority of his father: 'Allah's Messenger said: "I had permitted you the temporary marriage of women, but Allah has prohibited you from that till the day of Resurrection. So if anyone has a woman by temporary marriage he should let her go; and do not take back any of your gifts from them." {Sahih Muslim , Abu Dawud, An-Nasai and Ibn Majah}
Anyone with the right mind can see that temporary marriage is clearly forbidden, but again the shia have rejected all Hadeeth in this matter and still continue to follow their desires, even if it is zina (fornication, adultury etc.).

Insha-Allah one can not compare the above hadeeth with some fabricated lies from the Shia:

Aytollah Khomaini stated in his book "Tahir-u-Wasila, Vol 2, P.292" that Temporary marriage can be for one day, a night, and even just a few hours! but for khomaini that was not enough so he further states in the same book on page 292, that temporary marriage can be performed with harlots and prostitutes.
Now I will quote a fabricated shia lie with was attributed to Muhammed :

On page 356 in volume 1 of 'Tafseer Minhajul Sadiqeen' it is mentioned that Muhammed said: "One who performs Mu'ta (temporary marriage) one will attain the rank of Imam Husain; one who performs it twice will attain the rank of Imam Hasan; one who performs it thrice will attain the rank of Ameeral Mo'mineen (Ali r.a) and one who performs it four times will attain my rank."

Subhanallah!!! is this the lowest the Shia can get???? sleep with a prostitute and get instant Paradise????? However for the shia this can never be enough... they have still worse to come.

Infact the amount of Shia references would be enough to fill a book on this subject.. as the shia indeed try at every step to justify this forbidden act.
In the Shia Book "Minhaj us Sadiqeen" in volume 1, it is written in clear words that the number of women that a person can be engaged with in temporary marriage at the same time in unlimited....
May Allah guide and protect us from this and all the other Shia filth that they try to enforce upon us....

Any good out of this, is from Allah. And any error in this is from myself and Shaytan.

In the history of Islam, The Prophet allowed Mut'a twice in his lifetime. The first time the Prophet allowed it for three days, at the war of Khaiber, and after three days it was made haram . Once Ali argued with a man who believed in Mut'a and told him that the Prophet made Mut'a and the meat of donkey haram on the day of Khaiber (Bukhari vol. 7, pg. 287 and vol. 4 pg. 134). This hadith can also be found in Shia hadith books, which I will mention later. The second time the Prophet allowed it was at the conquest of Mecca, for three days, and then he made it haram again till the day of Judgment (Muslim vol. 4 pg. 133). Notice, the practice of Mut'a was then made haram till the Day of Judgement.This is confirmed with the hadiths in the following books: Imam Ahmed s Musnad vol. 16 pg. 192-193, Muslim vol. 4, pg. 132, Bayhaki vol. 7 pg. 293-294. Since there was a time when Mut'a was halal. Therefore, one can find hadith saying that it was halal. However, the latter hadith, which follows the final order of jurisprudence set by the the Prophet, takes precedence over the former hadith