History & Origin of the Taliban


It's called prejudicial islamophoba. The western media has put in the minds of its people the image of taliban as terrorist when it is the western powers who are terrorizing those people. Anyone who seems "islamic" is called taliban by the ignorant of the west because that is the only thing they can think of as a link between you and islam.


Junior Member
assalamu alaikum people,

i just saw this thread, correct me if i am wrong, but i know that in the Western World, the Taliban are classed as Terrorist Muslims and Extremists.

I know that this sort of thing has nothing to do with the Prophet or the Qur'an or Islam in general.

my non muslim friend's dad called me 'taliban ' and i am white like them and i am English and i found that very offensive.

has anyone else ever got looked at like this?



Personally if someone calls me a "Taliban", I would tell them "Yes, I am indeed a "student". :biggrin: