Homeschool vs. Public School

umm hussain

Junior Member
home education better for me

Bismillahi rahmanirahim
Asalam alaikum warahmatullah

I think home-education is best especially because of the society and area I live in. I home-educate my oldest and inshallah will do the same for the others when they get to the age. At the same time though I believe Education has already begun for them because everything you teach a child is educating that child e.g not to eat with their left hand etc simple things the reading and writing is just an addition to what you have already taught them.

In today's world of free speech, freedom of religion/sexuality, pop culture and allowing each child to find his/her own personality, basically an abundance of negative information, it is so important for a parent to have access to an authoritative source of guidance to help us steer our children in the right path with the help of Allah.

What are your goals for your child? I think we can all agree that we want our children to be successful, however, how would you define 'success'? Is a successful child one who is financially well-off? What if she becomes wealthy and does not have successful relationship with Allah first and foremost and elders and their peers; would that child be considered a 'success'? Is a successful child the child that is happy? What if he is happy to be leading a life of illegal activities? What are the factors that ultimately characterize our children as successful people?

It is my belief that 'success' can be defined by a child actualizing his potential and developing a relationship with his Creator. When your child grows up to be all that he can be, that is a success, a product of effective parenting. Not all children are good at maths or science, english, each child is as unique so there is no need in trying to make them achieve what they may never be able to but it is wise to help them were they are struggling and help them excel in what they are good at and enjoy.

Unfortunately bad habits easily rub off on to some children and they can be easily influenced by others in a bad way so it is always best to mould them when they are at their most vulnerable stages i.e young or in my case very young. I also think school is too formal, the hours too long, school runs a hustle and the children spend more time at school than at home, so all/most of their learning is done by people who are just doing their job without really caring about the children.


Junior Member
Me personnaly
I wouldnt want to get homeschooled.
Maybe the circullum* is the same but you learn so much new stuff when your with other people.
You learn from there mistakes, you learn the types of people, you learn how people think, and best of ALL you make new friends
But what I am saying what I know from an Islamic School
It may b a different case for anyone else...


*Fear Allah*

I have never been taught at home. But for me I think it was better that I was not.

Personally I would prefer to send my children to an Islamic school in the US so they can benefit by learning Quran and ther Curriculum. But, if the choice is just educating them at home vs public school then I would go with the public school because maybe some subjects I can not benefit them in. Even when I was in school some things I had trouble with. LOL But besides that I think that they need to develop social ties with others and know what is going on in the society. I do not want to open them up to so many temptations in this world but I have to believe that I instilled the necessary things needed in their lives to keep them grounded in Islam. But I would have to home school my children in Islam because religion is not part of the curriculum in the US public school system.