horrible news


Junior Member
salaam alaikom dear brothers and sisters
i read today at the newspapers that there was a girl who committed suicide to save herself from a rapists they draged her by force into an apartment and they tried to rape her but she succeeded to run away from them and the only way out was the balcony so she prefered to threw herself from the window to surrender to those animals and she died
now my question is the girl now in hell as we all know that how commit suicide throwen in hell ?
is she considered now as an atheist?
i feel really sorry for her and i pray for her that may Allah forgive her.
salaam alaikom


Junior Member
It's sad to hear. Can i ask - was she orignally Muslim? Whether she is cnsidered as an athiest, is not for us to know, and Allah knows best. Truly Allah knows what is in the heart of a person.

I pray Allah gives us all patience to overcome any difficulty we may face, and helps us to live up to Islam. Aameen.


Junior Member
It's sad to hear. Can i ask - was she orignally Muslim? Whether she is cnsidered as an athiest, is not for us to know, and Allah knows best. Truly Allah knows what is in the heart of a person.

I pray Allah gives us all patience to overcome any difficulty we may face, and helps us to live up to Islam. Aameen.

salaam alaikom sister
yes she is a muslim and Ameen for your dua


Junior Member
It's even more sad now that i now she is Muslim - i do feel like crying. I just pray that Allah helps us all to become better Muslims, and helps us to make the right decesions in life. Ameen.


Subhana Allah!
Asalamu alaykum

inna lilahi wa-inna ilayhi raj'oon. may Allah swt forgive us all our amiin. jazak ALlahu khayra for sharing this with us.



Staff member
'Umar b. al-Khattab narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said: Deeds are [a result] only of the intentions [of the actor], and an individual is [rewarded] only according to that which he intends. Therefore, whosoever has emigrated for the sake of Allah and His messenger, then his emigration was for Allah and His messenger. Whosoever emigrated for the sake of worldly gain, or a woman [whom he desires] to marry, then his emigration is for the sake of that which [moved him] to emigrate." Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.

Keyword: Intention

Situationally though, if she was trying to escape from those who would have done her such harm it only makes sense that she would have wanted to escape alive.

Nobody knows if the girl intended to die or not, neither will discussing it bring us any closer to knowing that answer.

So ..may Allaah curse those who put her in that compromised situation and have mercy on her.



Servant of Allah
Ina lillahi wa ina ilayhi raji3uun! I have hope that Allah swt will merciful to her since she was trying to escape those who were trying to harm her. honestly, i think it was better for her to die then to let those pigs rape her. but it makes me cry that those idiots made her jump to her death. subhanAllah!
asalamu alaykum wrwb.


Keyword: Intention

Situationally though, if she was trying to escape from those who would have done her such harm it only makes sense that she would have wanted to escape alive.

Nobody knows if the girl intended to die or not, neither will discussing it bring us any closer to knowing that answer.

So ..may Allaah curse those who put her in that compromised situation and have mercy on her.

i second this.


Junior Member

May Allah(swt) forgive her

So how about If you were a soldier in WWII lets say, You re the last standing man in the battlefield and you know that If you were captured by the Nazis , you will be tortured without mercy, So can you commit sucide inorder not to be tortured alive ?


Junior Member
my question is

who give us the right to even consider her final fate? who r we to judge. R we all muftis here? would she go to hell or heaven just because we THINK so?
ALLAH knows best.

Inallah hi wa Inallila rajeyon


New Member
Islam is easy and a mercy

Brothers and Sisters,

who are we to say that this person will go to heaven and this person will go to hell...I beleive in this: God created us and He is alone who to decide and just remember His Great Mercy which no one can imagine..

This girl didnt choose to commit suicide she was forced to do that, like the person who was forced to dink...

Brothers and Sisters, Islam is easy so do not make it hard for yourself and for other people, use your minds and if you are not sure of something its better to keep quite.

God knows what hidden in the hearts of His servents, no one elss knows.


New Member
There are some hard issues that we can not be solve and require to consult with Ulama, but this case is obvious and simple, this was a murder crime not rape, can you tell me if this girl wanted to put an end to her life or she was just trying to escape from those monsters???? use your mind people, you will not need everything to be explained to you by Ulama...

Islam is mercy is a way of life and God knows most our capacity and what we can stand..so do not make it hard by keep asking about any obvious thing, make sure you establish your prayes on its time, clean your heart, take care of your family and beloved ones, rememebr God and fear Him, try to be succeceful in your life, sit a good example of you rather then spending time to know who is going to Heaven and who is going to Hill.. Are you sure about where you will end? is anyone sure of that?????


Junior Member
salaam alaikom brothers and sisters
some of you got me wrong i mean who am i to ask about where she is now i didnt mean that .
i dont want you tell me about her place i wanted to know from someone with knowledge if there is any Hadith or a spicific verse about this incident which means that she can be forgiven .


الفقير الى الله

this is a painful news indeed, reminds me of abu gharib incident, but nevertheless the only thing we can do is pray that Allah forgive her IF the girl is intended to die, but if she just intended to escape then i pray that Allah accepts her as a martyr.


i found something in islamqa, even though it doesn't relate directly with the case here but it should provide a reference for us at least.

source: http://islam-qa.com/en/ref/4017

A woman who is being forced to commit zinaa [unlawful sexual activity] is obliged to defend herself and should not give in even if she kills the one who wants to do that to her. This self-defence is waajib (obligatory), and she is not at fault if she kills the one who wants to force her into zinaa. Imaam Ahmad and Ibn Hibbaan reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever is killed defending his property is a shaheed (martyr), whoever is killed defending himself is a shaheed, whoever is killed defending his religion is a shaheed, and whoever is killed defending his family is a shaheed.” In the commentary on this hadeeth it says: “whoever is killed defending his family is a shaheed” refers to the one who defends the honour of his wife and female relatives.

If a man is obliged to defend his wife and fight off the one who wants to rape her – even if this leads to his own death – then this obligation applies even more to the woman herself, who must defend herself and not give in to the aggressor who wants to violate her honour, even if she is killed, because if she is killed she will also be a shaheedah, just as her husband will be a shaheed if he was killed defending her honour. Shahaadah (martyrdom, the status of shaheed) is a high status which is only achieved by the one who dies in the way of obedience to Allaah and that which He loves, which indicates that Allaah loves this kind of defence, a man’s fighting to defend his wife’s honour and a woman’s fighting to defend herself. But if she is unable to defend herself, and the evil aggressor overpowers her and rapes her by force, then she should not be subjected to any punishment (hadd or ta’zeer); rather, the punishment should be carried out on the evil aggressor.

It says in al-Mughni by Ibn Qudaamah al-Hanbali: “Concerning a woman who was pursued by a man, and she killed him to protect herself, Ahmad said: ‘If she knew that he wanted [to rape] her, and she killed him to protect herself, then she is not at fault.’ Ahmad mentioned the hadeeth which al-Zuhri reported from al-Qaasim ibn Muhammad, from ‘Ubayd ibn ‘Umayr, in which it said that a man had visitors from [the tribe of] Hudhayl, and he wanted [to rape] a woman, so she threw a rock at him and killed him. ‘Umar said, ‘By Allaah, there is no diyah for him ever’ i.e., she did not have to pay the ‘blood money’ for him. If it is permissible to defend one's money, which one can give away, then a woman defending and protecting herself and her honour which cannot be given away, is clearly more permissible than a man defending his money. If this is clear, then she is obliged to defend herself if she can, because letting someone overpower her [rape her] is haraam, and by not defending herself, she lets him overpower her.” [al-Mughni, 8/331]

And Allaah knows best. Al-Mufassal fi Ahkaam al-Mar’ah, 5/42-43.

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Turuq al-Hukmiyyah, 18: “(Section) … A woman who had committed zinaa was brought to ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him), and he asked her about it and she admitted it, so he commanded that she should be stoned. ‘Ali said: ‘Maybe she had a reason.’ So he said to her, ‘What made you do that?’ She said, ‘I had a partner who shared livestock with me; his camels had water and milk, and mine had none. I got thirsty, so I asked him to give me something to drink, but he refused unless I let him have his way with me. I refused three times, but I was so thirsty that I thought I was going to die, so I gave him what he wanted, and he gave me something to drink.’ ‘Ali said: ‘Allaahu akbar! “… But if one is forced by necessity without wilful disobedience nor transgressing due limits, then there is no sin on him. Truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [al-Baqarah 2:173 – interpretation of the meaning].’”

In Sunan al-Bayhaqi it says: “From Abu ‘Abd al-Rahmaan al-Sulami, who said: ‘A woman was brought to ‘Umar who had been extremely thirsty, and had passed by a shepherd and asked him to give her something to drink; he had refused to give her something to drink unless she let him have his way with her. [‘Umar] consulted with the people as to whether he should have her stoned. ‘Ali said, ‘She was forced to do it. I think you should let her go.’ So he did so. I say: this is what should be done. If a woman is in desperate need of food and drink from a man, which he will not give her unless she lets him have his way with her, and she is scared that she will die without them, so she lets him have his way with her, then she is not to be punished. If it were asked, is it permissible for her in this situation to let him have his way with her, or does she have to suffer [her hunger and thirst] with patience, even if she dies? The answer is that her case is like that of a woman who is forced to commit zinaa, to whom it is said, ‘Either you let me have my way with you, or I will kill you.’ The woman who is forced to do this should not be punished; she can save herself from being killed in this manner, but if she bears it (i.e., being killed) with sabr (patience), this is better for her. (But she does not have to put up with with being killed). And Allaah knows best.”

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


Junior Member
There are some hard issues that we can not be solve and require to consult with Ulama, but this case is obvious and simple, this was a murder crime not rape, can you tell me if this girl wanted to put an end to her life or she was just trying to escape from those monsters???? use your mind people, you will not need everything to be explained to you by Ulama...

i agree with you 1000% because some cases we can't solve it and it is simple to think in it because we have brains.it is not 1+1=5 in her case u can't say what was in her mind in that second. because her mind is not stable or under control in that second.she is not watching t.v she is running from people and fighting them also in judgment day god treat every person according to his or her case.


innalillah wainnaileyhi raaji'un. May Allah forgive her and give her jannah and those evil men may Allah cast them in the hellfire in this life and the next. ameen. this is truely reprehensible!