how a broken heart was healed


Junior Member
a broken heart
torn apart
cut to shreads
by each one it loved

a lonely deal
spinning feel
calmed to rest
by Someone it felt

a flying dove
filled with love
healed by Him
Whom i love

my souls refuge
from worlds deluge
in His loving care
i sleep untouched.

walk with honor
live with valor
speak the truth
pray in tranquility
wait for eternity.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Subhanallah!! masha'allah!! very beautiful and nicely written also:biggrin::biggrin:
may Allah bless you- always brother:)


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
SubhanAllah... This brought back some memories... I'm weary of falling in love... The only One I truly love now is Allah... Jazak Allahu Kheir for sharing brother... I appreciate it.....