how about learning a little bit of Malay?


New Member
I - sa-ya (sa as in sum)
you - a-wak
him/her - di-a (as in deer)
want - ma-hu (hu as in who)
eat - ma-kan (kan as in can't)
drink - mi-num (mi is me)
this - i-ni ( as in ee nee)
buy - be-li (be as in "ver" in believer)(li as in lee)
what - a-pa (pa as in papa)


Umm Zubayr
:salam2: isra, how are you doing?

yeah that's was straight foward, but i think it's quite difficult to pronounce it


Staff member
alhamdulillah im doing well, and ureself?

yeah do u speak ne other languages if so which ones?


Umm Zubayr
:salam2: ,

i'm fine alhamdoulilah,

yes i speak french (fluently), somali (can speak only, terrible in writing), a bit of italian, i'm in the process of learning arabic, which i hope will be fluent one day inshallah, umm well english (obviously!!), i've learnt latin for 3 yrs (don't ask why) but i've forgotten everything, that's abt it!

wht about you?

take care



Staff member

omg....latin? me too...and it was 4 years aswell! all those endings and tenses and we had to memorise Virgil aswell...yknow that mad poet? nightmare.

i was always soooo bad at french it was quite funny actually! my teacher basically told me to forget it!

Urdu from my parents
umm i studied russian and japanese but the one i really want to learn is arabic not just Quranic arabic. inshallah one day....!

wheres this malay person got to? we want to know some more....


Junior Member
read and speak Malay


For your info malay is spoken mostly in malaysia and singapore altho the twang or styles differs..Its slightly different fm Indonesian too

so maybe i cud add in what i know eh:)

a-pa ka-bar? the ka sound like car with no r and the bar is bar
how are you?

A-pa nama ka-mu?Apa nama kamu?Kamu cud be for male or female gender
what name you? or What is your name?

A-wak da-ri ma-na?Awak dari mana?
you from where? or Where are you from?

Sa-ya su-ka ba-ca bu-ku.(ca sound like char without the r.)Saya suka baca buku.
I like read book. or I like to read book.

Sekian buat sekarang or thats all for now
selamat berjumpa lagi or till we meet again



Umm Zubayr

aaa, ok, so let me show off a bit :
abaayo ma ficaan tahay??,
thats abt all i can write, jk jk, although i am a best speaker :laughing-dancing:

Nice to meet you

take care




Umm Zubayr

oo yeah i get it now.
mashallah, you're good!!!

let's continue, next question
umm, somalia maalin ma aday,??

wassalam caleikum wr wb