How Humble Is The Spirit


New Member
How Humble Is The Spirit

How humble is the spirit of the weak, the ill, the poor,
To accept the pain of hunger with no hope of finding more.
They keep their trust in Allah to provide them everything,
Without knowing if they’ll wake tomorrow or if death Allah will bring.

Not once a year but every day some people have no food,
While the rest of us just walk away and treat these people rude.
How humble will the spirit be when we’re standing side by side?
How pure were our intentions is a secret we can’t hide.

It’s easy to be arrogant when you’re not starving every day.
You know you’ll end your hunger when the sun has gone away.
Just one month is all He asks of us to bring our spirits purity.
May the Blessed Month of Ramadan be a gift to set us free.


Muslim Unity...
Asallamu Alaykum
Mashallah that was beautiful
JazakAllah for sharin..
MAy Allah bestow his mercy and shower
his blessingz upon u Inshallah
And grant u Jannatul ferdous