Fatima S.Ar
Happiness = Islam
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
How are u everybody ? I hope u r ok .
I'm curious to know the answer of that question above
about me
Certainly as an Arab I know Arabic 100 % Ma sha Allah :wink:
Then English , i think I'm 80 %
Then Français ( French ) my level is too bad in this language but I'm doing my best to improve it .
Then Turkish (bad level too ) :shymuslima1:
at last I've my Japaneses .. I can talk a bit but writing & reading nooo .
about these languages levels
Arabic is a really difficult language I always lose marks in Arabic subjects
as Arabs we study hard grammar but for non Arabs they take the easy ones .
English is the easiest one but I need to practise more & more .
French .. is
ohhh soooo difficult
I donno how ppl can speak it ( ma sha'a Allah don't say Fatima envied us ) 
Hard , difficult French grammar , the writing is very different from the pronouncaition , so it makes it more difficult
but I still wanna learn it one day In sha'a Allah
Japanese is easy while speaking but I didnt try to learn its writing ..
I know only some sentences and easy to pronounce ..
You ?
How are u everybody ? I hope u r ok .
I'm curious to know the answer of that question above
about me
Certainly as an Arab I know Arabic 100 % Ma sha Allah :wink:
Then English , i think I'm 80 %
Then Français ( French ) my level is too bad in this language but I'm doing my best to improve it .
Then Turkish (bad level too ) :shymuslima1:
at last I've my Japaneses .. I can talk a bit but writing & reading nooo .
about these languages levels
Arabic is a really difficult language I always lose marks in Arabic subjects
as Arabs we study hard grammar but for non Arabs they take the easy ones .
English is the easiest one but I need to practise more & more .
French .. is
Hard , difficult French grammar , the writing is very different from the pronouncaition , so it makes it more difficult
but I still wanna learn it one day In sha'a Allah
Japanese is easy while speaking but I didnt try to learn its writing ..
I know only some sentences and easy to pronounce ..
You ?