how many words can we make....


this game is simple... i'll post a big word...and each person who view the post adds a word they make from the word i post.

rules are simple:

1=> more than 2 letters
2=> letters cannot repeat if there is only one in the word>>
>>example the word is can't write seed because there is only one E in> side. but if the word has more than one same letter you can use it!

i think im making it complicated! i'll just begin!




Asalamu Alaykum!
this game is simple... i'll post a big word...and each person who view the post adds a word they make from the word i post.

rules are simple:

1=> more than 2 letters
2=> letters cannot repeat if there is only one in the word>>
>>example the word is can't write seed because there is only one E in> side. but if the word has more than one same letter you can use it!

i think im making it complicated! i'll just begin!



ok ill have a go.......

1) responsible


Junior Member


bin bee been bent come comets combs combines comprise compress competes complies compliments sensible incest insect belies bit bites bleep into intro income bliss blest bless spies split spit spin hen him chimp chomp horn hornets cornets corns scorn spore sport import pose prose rose core pore poet copies mop mope poem home tones stones stonier lie liers prise biles mobile spine tie ties steps stop top pot spot blot pen creep beep sheeps ship scion ion iron ironies ironic bionic icon more mere mire ripe ripen response spot chimes climbs climber timber tom tonic stiles tiles piles plies set sit spin spines teens prettier pettier setter scent cents sent spent peer preens screen scripts trees riot torn thorns thin thinnier splinters sinner rennets slit slither her here herein sheer pristine either neither nor beset reset preset present resent consent consine costlier promise steer storm prom scene scientist completes lest list boil boilers oil toil soil oilier oiliest coil cop scope cope cob colt coin ton tinniest poser sneer ire sire line lint slip lip tip rip snip nip rot roti rote tore store snore open crops opener opt orbit stone stoner toners spirit comperes test testers pesters peter sop snob snip strip stripe tripe triple terse tense probe robe strobe best pest crest crept poser

yikes! hope i dont have doubles here eh :)





bin bee been bent come comets combs combines comprise compress competes complies compliments sensible incest insect belies bit bites bleep into intro income bliss blest bless spies split spit spin hen him chimp chomp horn hornets cornets corns scorn spore sport import pose prose rose core pore poet copies mop mope poem home tones stones stonier lie liers prise biles mobile spine tie ties steps stop top pot spot blot pen creep beep sheeps ship scion ion iron ironies ironic bionic icon more mere mire ripe ripen response spot chimes climbs climber timber tom tonic stiles tiles piles plies set sit spin spines teens prettier pettier setter scent cents sent spent peer preens screen scripts trees riot torn thorns thin thinnier splinters sinner rennets slit slither her here herein sheer pristine either neither nor beset reset preset present resent consent consine costlier promise steer storm prom scene scientist completes lest list boil boilers oil toil soil oilier oiliest coil cop scope cope cob colt coin ton tinniest poser sneer ire sire line lint slip lip tip rip snip nip rot roti rote tore store snore open crops opener opt orbit stone stoner toners spirit comperes test testers pesters peter sop snob snip strip stripe tripe triple terse tense probe robe strobe best pest crest crept poser

yikes! hope i dont have doubles here eh :)


i dont mean to sound disrespectful..but you totally KILLED the game. i know everyone has the capability of writing down all possible words..but the point was to PLAY TOGETHER. thnx again for killing the game.


Junior Member

I dont mean to sound disrespectful..but you totally KILLED the game. i know everyone has the capability of writing down all possible words..but the point was to PLAY TOGETHER. thnx again for killing the game

My sincere apologies for unknowingly being a joykiller:( ...was a former scrabbler so it brought out the words in me....not to worry ill stay away from words games in the near future...:salah::tti_sister:May Allah forgives us all and guides us all to his straight path.Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen.



Asalamu Alaykum!
ok next word......


and whoever knows the meaning without cheating gets extra points!


Ahmad M. Al-Marshoud
discombobulate disc bomb same made but dated date team mate dumb dumbed alt some bat lame lamed mail mailed eat ate tea boot mode doom isolate isolated cast cat cut let tide maid dead built build comb late disco tie tied lie lied coal blast table stable
there is alot but I will give the rest a chance :)



My sincere apologies for unknowingly being a joykiller:( ...was a former scrabbler so it brought out the words in me....not to worry ill stay away from words games in the near future...:salah::tti_sister:May Allah forgives us all and guides us all to his straight path.Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen.


No no it's ok, it's just well, it's just a game it's no problem lol
no need to forgive anything it's nothing: