Hypocrisy is widespread


Servant of Allah
salaam Allaikum

People Say Muslims are Two Faced. they say that ...Muslims always say that Islam is Religion of Peace and then Muslims Hijack, Sucide Bomb and further on this People (who Bash ISLAM) twist Verses of Quran and show as proof of some Wierd Thing . Like For Example " and Kill Jews And Cristians, where Ever You Find Them" .. you must Have Heard this on Our Great Media Like CNN And FOX ..

But have You Realised that the Coloniol Rome Used to have Gladiator Fights and Used to Enjoy Two Man Fighting Each Other and Until one Has Killed Another. Dint They Do That .. " In the Name of Entertainment"

And In Mordern Times we Have Entertainment like BOXING , Wrestling and all where People fight and beat Eacxh other. and isnt that in the Name of Entertainment

and then These People who Enjoy these Kind of Sports in the West Will be fighting against Human Rights and will Bash Islam . Who Knows what.

and How can you enjoy someone Beating another Guy and isnt this Voilence


Another Great Entertainment is The bullfight

they Enjoy People teasing the Bull and then These people will talk for Animal Rights .

and if they dont have anything to come up with . then they will start bashing against the Sacrifice we do to goats on Eid Day which is actually comming from Ebrahim (AS) . the very same Prophet whom even they Beilieve in Dont They.


Another thing is "Women Rights" .... you Muslims Oprress Women and Beat Them. And they Claim that it is In Quran to Beat Our wives. .....Offcourse they Twist things As they like just to Bash Islam.

arent they having A Girl in Bikini On the Front Page Just To Sell their Magazine "Arent They Using Women for Busines and Profit."

as for Muslims We have been Ordered by Allah to Protect our Wife and other Sisters in Islam.. and do not Use Women as Garment as They do.


NOTE: This is Just my Personal oppinion of what i Think goes wrong and i am No angel so whatever Mistakes happpens in my oppinion or anything I Appologize For that . i am at last Decsended from Adam (AS) even he did mistake of eating Fruit, so every Human does makes mistake and we repent Inshallah. _ wasnt the Note so long


Salaam Allaikum

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
What you said is true brother Ahmed. And they say muslims and Arabic people are racist; while they make fun of each other! And if we are racist; why was it that a lot of Black people converted to Islam during the Civil Rights movement? And the Catholic and Christians didn't let them into their white churches.

And why is it that there are more people converting to Islam in the world; let alone a lot of Christian people who want to beleive in Allah as one and with no son or successor if "wer're so racist"?
People who say these are dumb; calling muslims racist while they say muslims smell like onoins; and we take a bath with them?
And they say we don't respect girls because muslimahs wear hijabs? Muslim woman/girls wear hijabs and loose clothes to feel respected by the evil staring guys around there who commit adultery and abortion.