I dOnT nEeD lOvE!!!!!!!oR dO i!!!!!!


Junior Member
I don't need love !

So many people have tried to define love. Often it means different things to different people.

Everyone admits they need it.

It seems to be an emotion; a feeling on bonding between people. But does it occur in a snap?

There are certain ingredients which it contains; upon which it is built. Without them, love will not be found. People need to be respected, listened to , forgiven, taught and their needs must be met. If such aspects are missed love does not emerge.

How often people look at their spouse and think that at that moment, they really hate them. Then at a future time see another aspect of their personality and feel a deep loving feeling towards them. No one loves somebody all the time. Human beings are very complicated and can experience so many emotions at the same time. There are also many sides to our personalities.

Yet relationships are often based on this abstract emotion called 'love' and when it disappears the relationship often dissolves.

Perhaps if we wait a little and be patient we will see another side of the person which is more acceptable and to our liking.

We can learn to 'love' that part of the person and try to ignore the other parts.
People are not disposable.

Written by : Velma Cook

nori suja'i

Junior Member
Assalamualaikoom everyone,

i wld like to clarify that there's no permenent love in this world compared to the love Allah give on us, the love from Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. to Allah, the love of a pious servant to his God (Allah) and the love among two ppl who love one another for Allah sake (including love of one's friend). these kind of love insyaAllah will bring us to jannah.
even the feeling of love itself came from Allah but some act of love already being polluted by the interference of syaitaan that stands in between ppl and this kind of love normally being selfish or selfcentered.
the true love means willing to sacrifice whatever one have in the path of Allah as long as he/she can make other servants of Allah feel happy in this dunya, and for him/her is the promise of akheerah.

Wallahu alam.


Junior Member
Ooh love

We always definite love as a feeling towards our beloved pairs, such feelings between women to men or men to women. So we always find only unsatisfaction feelings and maybe backbiting.

In islam feeling of love could only give to our beloved prophet. And the highest stage of our feeling to another, we called it 'the immolation' could only give to Allah.

and then, What about our feelings for an expression towards our sweetheart in islam?

As long as i know the best feeling that united the best pairs of sweetheart in the history of lovers in islam were between Ali Bin Abu Thalib and Fatimah AzZahra.
What feeling that united them together. FatimaZahra said that they pulled each other by happiness. They feel happy toward their beloved pair each other.

But happiness still in the desiree area.
Actually yes, relationship between lovers such men and women in islam unity by feelings of desiree.
Good desiree, such happiness, favor, like, feel comfort, need satisfaction.
So this is good and we must be thankfull to Allah, if we could define our feelings towards our sweetheart as satisfaction, need, feel comfort.

This is an advise for a muslim boy who will flirt his girl. Just say words such:"I like you, or I feel comfort to be near with you" these are more honest than say the words such "i love you" "you are my life and my everything"

Do not approaching towards our sweetheart cause of bad feelings such possesion, domination, and exploitation. Only Allah who may do this.


Junior Member
Ooh love

We always definite love as a feeling towards our beloved pairs, such feelings between women to men or men to women. So we always find only unsatisfaction feelings and maybe backbiting.

In islam feeling of love could only give to our beloved prophet. And the highest stage of our feeling to another, we called it 'the immolation' could only give to Allah.

and then, What about our feelings for an expression towards our sweetheart in islam?

As long as i know the best feeling that united the best pairs of sweetheart in the history of lovers in islam were between Ali Bin Abu Thalib and Fatimah AzZahra.
What feeling that united them together. FatimaZahra said that they pulled each other by happiness. They feel happy toward their beloved pair each other.

But happiness still in the desiree area.
Actually yes, relationship between lovers such men and women in islam unity by feelings of desiree.
Good desiree, such happiness, favor, like, feel comfort, need satisfaction.
So this is good and we must be thankfull to Allah, if we could define our feelings towards our sweetheart as satisfaction, need, feel comfort.

This is an advise for a muslim boy who will flirt his girl. Just say words such:"I like you, or I feel comfort to be near with you" these are more honest than say the words such "i love you" "you are my life and my everything"

Do not approaching towards our sweetheart cause of bad feelings such possesion, domination, and exploitation. Only Allah who may do this.


New Member
Salam, my advice dont give up on love, true love is find within the right person and it takes time to get there with the person inshallah with the help from allah, two people can live together happliy everafter, if they live based on islam and the words of allah and our prophet mohammed(SWS); they will over come the problems today in society that people faces. i hope you have regain hope on love inshallah!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Junior Member






New Member
My mum is amazing

My Mom is Amazing

By Zain Bhikha

She wakes up early in the morning with a smile
And she holds my head up high
Don’t you ever let anybody put you down
Cos you are my little angel

Then she makes something warm for me to drink
Cos it’s cold out there, she thinks
Then she walks me to school, Yes I aint no fool
I just think my Mom is amazing

She makes me feel
Like I can do anything
and when she’s with me
there’s no where else, I’d rather be…

After School, she’s waiting by the gate
I’m so happy that I just can’t wait
To get home to tell her how my day went
And eat the yummy food, only my Mom makes

Then I wind her up cos I don’t wanna bath
And we run around the house with a laugh
No matter what I say, she gets her way
I think my Mom is amazing


In the evening, she tucks me into bed
And I wrap my arms around her head
Then she tells me a tale of a girl far away
Who one day became a princess

I‘m so happy, I don’t want her to leave
So she lies in bed with me
As I close my eyes, how lucky am I
To have a Mom that’s so amazing


Then I wake up in the morning, she’s not there :girl3:
And I realize she never was
And I’m still here in this lonely orphanage :shymuslima1:
With so many just like me

And as my dreams begin to fade
I try hard to look forward to my day
But there’s a pain in my heart that’s a craving
How I wish I had a Mom that’s amazing
Would be amazing


New Member
The Quran and Hadith on Mothers
The Quran

1. "We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth" (46:15).

2. "Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor. And out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: ‘My Lord! bestow on them Thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood' "(17:23-24).

3. "We have enjoined on man and woman kindness to parents; but if they (either of them) strive (to force) thee to join with Me anything of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not'" (29:8).

4. "We have enjoined on man and woman (to be good) to his/her parents; show gratitude to Me and to thy parents; to Me is (thy final) Goal. If they (parents) strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration) and follow the way of those who turn to Me (in love)" (31:14-15).

The Hadith

1. The Prophet Muhammad said, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother (Ahmad, Nasai).

2. A man came to the Prophet and said, ‘O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said: Your mother. The man said, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man asked again, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your father. (Bukhari, Muslim).

3. Abu Usaid Saidi said: We were once sitting with Rasulullah when a man from the tribe of Salmah came and said to him: O Messenger of Allah! do my parents have rights over me even after they have died? And Rasulullah said: Yes. You must pray to Allah to bless them with His Forgiveness and Mercy, fulfill the promises they made to anyone, and respect their relations and their friends (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).

4. Abdullah ibn Amr related that the Messenger of Allah said: The major sins are to believe that Allah has partners, to disobey one's parents, to commit murder, and to bear false witness (Bukhari, Muslim).

5. It is narrated by Asma bint Abu Bakr that during the treaty of Hudaibiyah, her mother, who was then pagan, came to see her from Makkah. Asma informed the Messenger of Allah of her arrival and also that she needed help. He said: Be good to your mother (Bukhari, Muslim).


New Member
10 Things You Can Do For Your Mom
Often, moms do virtually all of the giving and very little, if any, of the taking from their families. They may not say it, but most of them want to be appreciated in small ways. You don't have to buy them a car or a house (you could do that too), but it's the small things that count with mom.

Here are some ideas of how you can let mom know that all of her giving has and continues to be appreciated.

1. Give mom a vacation

Don't think Hawaii. Think of a day away from the kitchen. Or the home. Give her a vacation from the home where for her, most of the seemingly endless housework is done daily. Or, if she doesn't want that, start doing your share around the house. Maybe you could start giving her one day of the week off, when she does no cooking or household chores. Remember, fathers and husbands work hard at the office, but they get a two-day weekend in most cases. Moms usually don't even get a full day off. And if they are also working outside, it's like two full time jobs.

2. Let's hear her life story: a mom's circle

She may have read you bedtime stories when you were small, but now it's time for her to tell you a different story-about herself. Make a mom's circle at home in which you ask her to tell her life story. Mom's circle may actually turn into a project: one family member could write this up into a report, another could make a story book out of it and a third could video/audio record it. A mom's circle may become an ongoing family tradition.

3. Try beating mom's cooking

While most moms ask their kids what they want to eat, turn the tables around and do the same for her. Is there special food your mom likes? Buy or prepare that food for her (if you are not the best of cooks, maybe it's safer to just buy it).

4. Is your mom in a nursing home

If your mom is in a nursing home, why not plan to bring her home for a weekend visit to stay with you. Even better, why not make this a weekly, or twice a month set up, so you can spend more time with her and she can be around those who really love her more often? Of course the ultimate gift will be if you can liberate her from that nursing home so she can stay in her room in your own home.

5. Arrange a mammogram for her

Every three minutes, a woman in America is diagnosed with breast cancer. That woman could be your mom.

A woman's chances of developing breast cancer increases with age. The National Cancer Institute recommends women age 40 and over be screened with mammography every one to two years. It also advises that women at higher risk of breast cancer get medical advice before they are 40 about when to begin screening and about the frequency of their screening. Do this for your mom, so you can see her spend the rest of her life in good health, Insha Allah (if God wills).

6. Is your mom a bookworm?

If so, buy a small cabinet and buy all of the books you can afford. Then take it to her home and set it up for her.

7. If your mom is a non-Muslim

If your mom is a non-Muslim, try fasting for a day (Nafil or extra fasting), and keep thinking and praying for her. Ask Allah that He guides her and ask Him what you can do to help her understand her own Creator.

8. If your relationship has not been the best with your Mom

If your relationship with your mom has not been the best, sit down in front of a year-long calendar or planner and mark down dates and things which you can plan to improve this relationship. Start off by making a formal first appointment. Then pick dates on which you can keep contact with her and build your relationship on a regular basis.

9. If mom is not alive

If your mom is not alive, visit her relatives and friends and ask what you can do for them. Consider these two Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him):

1. The Messenger of Allah said: When a person dies, his actions come to an end, except for three things: a continuing Sadaqa (charity), knowledge from which benefit is still being derived, and a righteous child who prays for her or him (translated meaning from Muslim).

2. Abu Usaid Saidi said: We were once sitting with Rasulullah when a man from the tribe of Salmah came and said to him: O Messenger of Allah! do my parents have rights over me even after they have died? And Rasulullah said:

Yes. You must pray to Allah to bless them with His Forgiveness and Mercy, fulfill the promises they made to anyone, and respect their relations and their friends (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).

10. Pick up her feet and spread the word

The Prophet Muhammad said: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother (Ahmad, Nasai). Ask your mom to lift her feet, so you can locate where Jannah is. Then tell others about your discovery by sharing what Islam has to say about moms and their importance in our lives.


Junior Member
I don't need love !

So many people have tried to define love. Often it means different things to different people.

Everyone admits they need it.

It seems to be an emotion; a feeling on bonding between people. But does it occur in a snap?

There are certain ingredients which it contains; upon which it is built. Without them, love will not be found. People need to be respected, listened to , forgiven, taught and their needs must be met. If such aspects are missed love does not emerge.

How often people look at their spouse and think that at that moment, they really hate them. Then at a future time see another aspect of their personality and feel a deep loving feeling towards them. No one loves somebody all the time. Human beings are very complicated and can experience so many emotions at the same time. There are also many sides to our personalities.

Yet relationships are often based on this abstract emotion called 'love' and when it disappears the relationship often dissolves.

Perhaps if we wait a little and be patient we will see another side of the person which is more acceptable and to our liking.

We can learn to 'love' that part of the person and try to ignore the other parts.
People are not disposable.

Written by : Velma Cook

I learned what is Love when i was among my parents.I learned what is love when my mother cried for my father's death.I learned what is love when I told a girl that I loved her.Im still learning what Love is when my mother is working hard to make me feed.And Im still learning what Love is,when God constantly loves me.
Despite all the learning and nourishment,I fail to grasp the power of Love.
I will feel really bad and sad when I die,if I was not able to repay the Love from my mother and God.I believe these two "persons" are the most important ones in the world.With them,I think one can have a happy life and a joyful death.