We aleykum selam
Since Abdullah en-Numan ibn Besir, radi anhuma, reports that he said: "I heard the Prophet, saws, says:" Halal and Haram are clear and between them are doubtful things which many people do not know. who is being kept of suspicious things will keep their faith and honor, and whoever falls into doubtful things will fall into haram (forbidden), as a shepherd who tends his flock about the ruler of the property and almost forbidden to engage him in it. Each ruler has outlawed properties. indeed, Allah prohibited His possessions are prohibitive. In the body there is indeed a piece of meat when he is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and when he falls ill, the whole body suffers, and this is the heart? "(Bukhari, 1 / 126th and Muslim, 1599)
So I think this is one of doubtful things and its better to avoid it.
Thank you brothers and sisters what you have helped me .. May Allah reward you with jannah ..
Es-Selamu Alejkum Ve Rahmetullah Ve Berekatuhu