I have read that photo taking and filming and cameras is not allowed in Islam but are


Junior Member
Asalamaoalaikom wa rahamtullahi wa barakaatuhu,

My brother Abu Ameena believes in stoning of fornicators and killing of apostates, does Uncle Naik believes the same?

No, so they may not talk against each other outta respect as muslim should, but that doesn't mean Abu Ameena approves of his ideas!

Check Klassicks thread in Introduce yourself to know what I'm talking about!


I believe this USLESS thread should be closed now!

The post by akhi abdul-aziz has a link which covers everything including the ikhtilaaf and all. If you want to reject what is in Islam, upto you, let the others convey the truth without you forcing your own deviated opinions down everyone's throat .

Jazakallah khair!


Dear Sister,

I am sorry if I made a mistake. Forgive me. You can point out my mistakes. I am here to learn. I am not a scholar but I am a student of Islam. I am here to make my faith right. This discussion was not useless since it made me realize that taking pictures is haram. You can point out my mistakes, sister. But doing so politely would be appreciable. There is a reason why we refer to each other as brothers and sisters in Islam. I am sorry again.

Jazakallahu Khair!


Assalaam walaikum,

This is not a useless thread. It has lead to honest discussion. You can have all the knowledge in the world but unless you understand it, it is useless.

A Muslim is encouraged to be an independent thinker. There is no compulsion in Islam. We, the sons of Adam, have taken it upon ourselves to be Believers. A scholar is like an inn-keeper on a journey. While we are resting they encourage us remain on the Path, or else. But, the striving to seek the Presence of Allah is an individual journey.

Sharing parts of the journey with Believers is experience of life, the joy of life.
And the case in this thread. The individual has to make the choice. The scholars presented a wide array of viewpoints but the individual has to make the decision.


Junior Member
.... back to topic

Lets get back to topic.

Given a choice, I would always shy away from posing for a photograph or filming. But at every chance, i do click natural scenic beauty minus humans, animals. Many folks whom i regard as pious, have similar stance, in this matter.

A picture is more than thousand words, but not always. Example is persons photo. Humans have great attachment to another human face. we are social not solitary, and it has an influence on way we perceive pictures....

The reasons for avoiding picture/ filming
In this digital age, a family photo, or a snap that captures a very personal intimate moment could slip and get shared across in seconds. Now, am sure, you all agree, its soo difficult to have a control on stopping digital stuff from getting shared.

In case the person grieving death of a close one, the picture of a person could be almost worshipped, or one might out of sheer emotion do /say something stupid!
(Yes there are cases. And since most here like hadees, reflect back to few hours after Prophet:saw: died. )

In our current times [20-21st century] there definitely is a need, but let not the click and filming fill the visual greed!

Hope this puts things back into perspective.


Junior Member
Lets divide this photo taking into
- Photo of non-living things []
- Photo of Animals [caution]
- Photo of humans [greatest precaution]

I remember seeing recently a protest march where the placard read as below
What causes Rape?
The legs?
The Eyes?
The thighs?

So here its a matter of who sees it, what reactions it can trigger. More often than not since a thing of beauty is joy for ever.... and Iblees is always on prowl, the possibility to make a mistake is more..

So, When a photo can convey a good message, that words cannot, then go ahead. But if the photo is exposing or causing or inviting one to sin, then stop.


Assalaam walaikum,

The bottom line is very clear. It is your choice. You have been given the criterion.


Junior Member
Lets divide this photo taking into
- Photo of non-living things []
- Photo of Animals [caution]
- Photo of humans [greatest precaution]

I remember seeing recently a protest march where the placard read as below
What causes Rape?
The legs?
The Eyes?
The thighs?

So here its a matter of who sees it, what reactions it can trigger. More often than not since a thing of beauty is joy for ever.... and Iblees is always on prowl, the possibility to make a mistake is more..

So, When a photo can convey a good message, that words cannot, then go ahead. But if the photo is exposing or causing or inviting one to sin, then stop.

Lets divide this photo taking into
- Photo of non-living things []
- Photo of Animals [caution]
- Photo of humans [greatest precaution]

I remember seeing recently a protest march where the placard read as below
What causes Rape?
The legs?
The Eyes?
The thighs?

So here its a matter of who sees it, what reactions it can trigger. More often than not since a thing of beauty is joy for ever.... and Iblees is always on prowl, the possibility to make a mistake is more. Picture is a powerful media, over exposure and it can desensitize Humane values, Imaan.

Dont underestimate, a kids thinking.
What value is there in showing photograph of a person who is dead? What value is there in showing a photograph of a prominent person who is in another country whom your students would never anyway meet. Is picture of person important or what he does??? Notion of God, is it word or picture? To explain functioning of heart, would a picture alone suffice? Would showing a person crying, tell why he is crying? ...Words can convey, always they convey.

So, for education purpose, when a photo can convey a good message, that words cannot, then go ahead. Usually while educating descriptions are needed. ask should I really show photo of human to convey the message? . But if the photo is exposing or causing or inviting one to sin, then stop.