Sister Faisa
Junior Member
Asalamu alaykum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatu.
I came to this forum to ask for help from my bros and Sis. To cut to the chase, I want to go to an islami university.Not on online one, A LEGIT Islamic university. Why? Well I actually want learn a little bit about what it is I believe in, experience a life where you live along with a Muslim majority...u know the usual.
In response, I always get answers like, " you can learn fine staying here in Canada", which is true somewhat, but it is my preference to leave and experience it first hand,-- and to speak fluently on Arabic.
Alhamdoulilah, I know two brothers from my neighborhood that got accepted to the Islamic university of Madinah, one of them a convert brother. And mashallah, they tell my brother about how amazing it is.
Sound great and all but I have a slight problem.
I'm a girl.
Yes I know it may sound sketchy but this is something I want to do and willing to do anything for. I've used and abused every Islamic program offered to girls in my area, and subhanallah I just find myself wanting more, I just dont feel satisfied.
I've saved enough money alhamdoulilah, to be ready to leave if Allah blesses me with my dream opportunity to go to school in Saudi Arabia. I want this so bad for a while.
Is there anyone who knows of REAL opportunities for girls who would like to study in Islamic Universities?
On the side note, I'm 18 and single.. Will this effect the outcome of admission?
Anyone who has experience of being in an Islamic University, tell me how that was inshallah.
I came to this forum to ask for help from my bros and Sis. To cut to the chase, I want to go to an islami university.Not on online one, A LEGIT Islamic university. Why? Well I actually want learn a little bit about what it is I believe in, experience a life where you live along with a Muslim majority...u know the usual.
In response, I always get answers like, " you can learn fine staying here in Canada", which is true somewhat, but it is my preference to leave and experience it first hand,-- and to speak fluently on Arabic.
Alhamdoulilah, I know two brothers from my neighborhood that got accepted to the Islamic university of Madinah, one of them a convert brother. And mashallah, they tell my brother about how amazing it is.
Sound great and all but I have a slight problem.
I'm a girl.
Yes I know it may sound sketchy but this is something I want to do and willing to do anything for. I've used and abused every Islamic program offered to girls in my area, and subhanallah I just find myself wanting more, I just dont feel satisfied.
I've saved enough money alhamdoulilah, to be ready to leave if Allah blesses me with my dream opportunity to go to school in Saudi Arabia. I want this so bad for a while.
Is there anyone who knows of REAL opportunities for girls who would like to study in Islamic Universities?
On the side note, I'm 18 and single.. Will this effect the outcome of admission?
Anyone who has experience of being in an Islamic University, tell me how that was inshallah.