I need your view on this brothers and sisters


Art is my Expression
Wa Alaykum Asaalamu Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu/Asaalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
Lol,No Offense But This Guy Sounds A Bit Extreme,Dear Sister I Think You Should Listen To Your Parents.
Wa Alaykum Asaalamu Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu





Junior Member

Your father is absolutely right about this guy. He seems like he's having a fit. Like a child who didn't get his way. A lot of what he said bothered me so i'll stop here but he seems very arrogant/immature.



Junior Member

It is the decision of you with your family's advice, whether you marry this guy or not - he can propose a marriage, but he can't force you!

If you do not want to marry him, for whatever reason (and especially if your dad doesn't see any good in your marrying this guy), tell him "Thank you, no. Goodbye!"



New Member
ANYBODY who tells you to "think for your own" or "be independant" as meaning that you should defy your parents is meaning you harm and you shouddlnt consider him sister...because allah SWT and the prophet kept re-inforcing the importance of our parents in our lives and maybe (and god knows best) your father's rejection of him is because god doesnt want him for you as a husband because he may not be good for you. I know matters of the heart are hard to overcome but you must put allah and your parents and the prophet first. and i pray allah will bless you with a better and more virtous man who will meet the acceptance of your parents and even make an effort to please them as a good husband is.
