Salam Alaycoum brother
Congratulation for your conversion brother. I'm really happy for you.
For your situation that you have accepted Islam and you can’t tell your wife because you are afraid that you'll lose her, In my opinion is you have to tell her. Inform her when you feel that she is in a good mood and relaxed. but I suggest before telling her, try to change your normal life to better .let your wife notice this change and let her see how you changed a LOT.
Islam teaches us to be more good mannered, more HYGENIC, more loving for our parents family and every one, more faithful, honest , etc… so in this situation she will obviously notice something has changed so she’ll start having questions in her mind. “what happened to my husband and what changed him to better? What is behind his goodness?” let her feel your change before telling her.
Brother listen:
- If you really love her. then you have to tell her the truth and save her from the Jahiliya she’s in now. you love her ,you want to rescue her. Because not only you want to be with her in this life but in the hereafter also, in paradise Inshallah (Gods willing).
- At the time you tell her, you'll know if she really loves you or not. will she discuss with you about what you tell her? or will she just shout and reject you quickly? Usually if you love a person you will listen to him/her. so it’s like a test for you and her. If she listens to you, you will be able to tell her about Islam. if she accepts Islam that would be great!! She will accept islam and the whole family will INSHALLAH.but if she is just OK with you being Muslim and her without accepting Islam, that would be okay for you, as you will be able to Pray, Fast and do all the Muslim stuff. but if she rejects without any willing to discuss, then know that she doesn’t love you. unfortunately you have to leave her (hope this doesn’t happen and she accepts Islam). Islam is much more important than anything in this life.
Brother you have to know this..It is known that in our religion to leave something for God's sake of Allah is good. Because Allah will offset you with something better.
As for a Muslim name, there are loads of wonderful Muslim male names. Here I got you some with it's translation, listed below.
1.Mahmoud : Praised.
2.Mahdy : Guided to the Right path.
3.Masoud : Happy, lucky.
4.Taymullah : Servant of God.
5.Illiyas : A Prophet’s name.
6.Ayman : Lucky, on the right.
7.Haroon : A Prophet’s name.
8.Najeed : Highland.
9.Munjid : Rescuer
10.Mu’min : Believer
I’ll keep you in my prayers brother as you are really in need of them. May Allah make everything easy for you and always enlighten your path of Islam. Wish you all the best.
Walsalam Alaycom.