I was told no hijab at my work Walmart

Salaam sister CanadianMuslimah,

I believer sister Q8penpal and brother Bluegazer gave you real good advice. In addition, you can also call your Walmart's employee hotline number. I've found a national Walmart hotline number 1-800-WM-ETHIC (1-800-963-8442).

I also advice you to get in touch with Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). They help Muslims fight against civil liberty, anti-discrimination, etc. Their website is:


There was an incident in which a Muslim shopper was discriminated by a Walmart employee. Walmart employees were forced to take "sensitivity training" class!

"sensitivity training," specifically in the Islamic faith and Muslim culture.


I wish you all the best and May Allah swt help you fight your cause.


Junior Member


it's happens with me before
i was want to apply to work in summer..in hotel as volunteer

in 4seasons's hotel..
but ,my hijab..they didn't want hijab..

the more u wait,the more u get