Ibraheem Jibreen


New Member
Assalaamu alaykum,

I am searching for the hole Quran recitate by Ibraheem Jibreen.

Who can help me ?

Wa'allaykumu salaam.


Staff member
wa alaykum salam

It used to work here, but not anymore for some reason. The links seem to be broken, but you can check back every once in a while...

Ibrahim Jibreen - Islamway

(not entired quran though)

I've heard that...

The whole Qur'an recitation by Ibrahim Al-Jibreen is not available yet.
He is pursuing studies and will resume recording after he finishes his studies.

So that's not possible. His recitation is good though masha'allah.

I'll try to get other websites... :inshallah:
