If any mothers would know?


New Member
Assalam Alaykium,:hijabi:
I am a single muslim mother i had my daughter aminah before i became muslim. As i grow in my deen i start to wonder is this a good place to raise her or should i move away. i know that as long as i teach her to be a pious muslim women that she will be ok. i think that if i a move to a country with more islamic foundation it might make it easier. i wondering what should i do i dont want to make any mistakes in raising her inshalah she will be a pious sister fo Allah. any suggestions on where to move.
Love for the sake of Allah
Walakium Salam:tti_sister:


Purifying my soul!
Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah!

Sister, I think you're making the right decision in moving to a Muslim area, much easier for you and your daughter. Allah will reward you for doing this for the sake of Allah. If you live in the US then Check out Chicago , there's supposed to be about 500 000 muslims there.

Inshallah Allah (Subhana wa ta a'la) will guide you. Ameen

Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah!