I'm scared to pray


Junior Member
assalamualaikum brothers and sisters I. islam I am a young Muslim and sometimes I get scared when praying it feels like someone/thing is behind me the back part of my body is all warm but the front is normal it is really creepy and if I hear anything outside or inside especially behind I get really scared and finish my prayer as quickly as possible I feel bad for this because my intention wasn't to please allah rather to save my self for being scared another thing is I am really afraid of jinn sometimes this started when I read threads about people seeing them but sometimes I'm less scared when I remind my self that I should only fear allah

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

When you pray Allah is with you. Don´t think jinns, bad jinns are not with you when you pray.


muhammad sabri

Junior Member
Salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu to you my brother and to all those in the thread,
my advice is to seek refuge from the devils sincerely,do as the Prophet(peace be upon him) adviced and that is to spit dry air in your left side near the shoulder three times by seeeking refuge from the shaytan and lastly but still important read hadithsa and quran! It will give you safety and you'll inch'Allah feel strong KNOWING THAT NOTHING CAN ATTACK FROM BEHIND BECAUSE...''ALLAH'S GOT YOUR BACK TRUST ME INCH'ALLAH!'' :D With love, M.Sabri <3


assalamualaikum brothers and sisters I. islam I am a young Muslim and sometimes I get scared when praying it feels like someone/thing is behind me the back part of my body is all warm but the front is normal it is really creepy and if I hear anything outside or inside especially behind I get really scared and finish my prayer as quickly as possible I feel bad for this because my intention wasn't to please allah rather to save my self for being scared another thing is I am really afraid of jinn sometimes this started when I read threads about people seeing them but sometimes I'm less scared when I remind my self that I should only fear allah

[eBook] Protecting oneself from shaytaan and from harm through the Words of Remembrance found in the Authentic Sunnah



Junior Member
Salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu to you my brother and to all those in the thread,
my advice is to seek refuge from the devils sincerely,do as the Prophet(peace be upon him) adviced and that is to spit dry air in your left side near the shoulder three times by seeeking refuge from the shaytan and lastly but still important read hadithsa and quran! It will give you safety and you'll inch'Allah feel strong KNOWING THAT NOTHING CAN ATTACK FROM BEHIND BECAUSE...''ALLAH'S GOT YOUR BACK TRUST ME INCH'ALLAH!'' :D With love, M.Sabri <3
Thank you this post really helped out I just joined this site and answered or more quick than other forums thank you!


Staff member
You're welcome brother if you have any more questions or problems feel free to share. We will do our best to help you in sha Allah.