Important Advice to the Muslim Ummah Concerning Palestine by Shaykh Hussain Aal Shayk


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In the Name of Allah the Most beneficent the Most Merciful

Important Advice to the Muslim Ummah Concerning Palestine by Shaykh Hussain Aal Shaykh


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Important Advice to the Muslim Ummah Concerning Palestine by Shaykh Hussain Aal Shaykh.pdf (249.3 KB)


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Shaykh Hussain Aal-Shaykh (hafizahullah) is an Imam and Khatib of Masjid al Nabawi (the Prophet's Mosque). This is a translation of his Khutbah which he gave about the situation of the Ummah and it concerns the recent conflict in Gaza. He gave an Advice, from the Quran and Sunnah to the whole Ummah.

This is an important advice for all Muslims to take heed of, so that we can become stronger and united upon the truth.


  • Important Advice to the Muslim Ummah Concerning Palestine by Shaykh Hussain Aal Shaykh.pdf.pdf
    249.4 KB · Views: 315
  • SH_Hussain_Gaza.mp3
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1. Assalamu alaykum

Masjid Al Aqsa is a large complex, what you see is in the Picture is Qubbatul Sakhra, which is the Dome of the Rock, it is PART of Masjid al Aqsa. Just as there is parts of Masjid al Aqsa underneath the masjid, such as Masalla Marwani, then there are the gardens and grounds, all of which are part of masjid al Aqsa. They are within the confines of the walls that were built by our Prophets Dawood Alayhi salam and Sulaiman. I understand that some people go around saying that the Dome of the Rock is not Masjid al AQsa, they are wrong... As it forms part of Masjid al Aqsa. What we should not say is that it is THE Masjid Al Aqsa.

Assalamu alaykum

Abu Abdillah

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What you See above is the Ariel View of Al Aqsa. .


  • Aerial_View_alAqsa.jpg
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