The only final thing I'm going to say, is that the scientific denials I've seen here today has made me now think it's impossible for to remain a muslim.
If you cannot be trusted to even know or tell the truth about simple scientific matters a 10 year old knows about, then I cannot trust you in any other way. If you can't tell the truth about this - then you can't be telling the truth about anything else.
All of you deniers have helped to give me the final push away from Islam. I have had too much stress to cope with lately, and coupled with quite a bit of religious bullying by certain people, this has been the final blow.
So congratulations. Your lies and ignorance have helped you lose a brother in Islam. I hope you're proud of yourself.
SERIOUSLY?? You got to be kidding me.!! Sorry, but now am a little, actually a lot pissed. I have had my patience for past 120 posts. You should be feeling lucky you got Islam. You got a dad, mother, a family who supports you.! And you say, now.. You want to leave Islam? A few days back, you were all about which cap to wear, praying 5 times a day, I am loving to wear the cap, my dad helps me, now within 2 days, just because we disagree.. You come and tell us this?! Get a break brother.. Go out of your home and get some fresh air..
Try being in my shoes.. Where am alone without any mentor, without any sheikh, guide, or damn, am not even allowed to go to Masjid, my Quran is with my mother, who doesn't let me read it, my mother, my grandmother literally cry in front of me,. I have more fingers than muslim friends near me[in my city]. With all this, I still want to be a Muslim & I am PROUD being one. Forget about me, At least am way off better Alhamdulilah. At least I have the basic amenities in life, I imagine how it would be for people in Afghanistan, Palestine, Africa, and any corner of the world who don't have clothes to wear, food to eat, orphans, malnourished kids.. I weep thinking about how gifted I have to be.. Alhamdulilah.. If being a Muslim is a joke for you brother. Then please you are hurting me & my faith a lot..
By the way, JazakAllah khair.. You just happened to increase my imaan.. Made me feel how gifted am, that Allah(SWT) chose me to follow HIS path.. Alhamdulilah..
Good bye.