insights into the hijab


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom

a video made by a sister, her Words....

This often-mysterious quagmire of women adorning themselves with a veil or covering (better known as hijab by the Muslims) had instigated many questions among Muslims and non-Muslims, as indicated above, there are questions of oppression, choice, religious or cultural role to state a basic few. This documentary is unlike any other documentary on this specific subject matter because it is first of all, being made by women like us who are both educated Muslims and wear the hijab. Second, its focal point is to bring about greater understanding of a subject that is elusive to a non-Muslim/Western world but is nevertheless expedient for better cohesion between the two communities. Our aim for this documentary is to allow for greater understanding between Muslim and non-Muslim community in the university environment and even within the local community. Finally we believe that as we have co-existed in both the Muslim and non-Muslim world we can bridge these gaps in communication and understanding with this documentary which has previously not been done




jazaah Allah Khyran

wa salaam alikom