intoduction from South Africa


New Member
AS salaamualiakum brothers and sisters,
It is by chance that I found this site, Alhamdullilah it seems interesting and I hope to learn a lot from it.(knowledge is the key to bliss)
I am a student studying for a commerce degree.
Oh before I forget I am from South Africa;)
Was salaam to all


Staff member
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah,

welcome brother irfaan,

jazakallahu khayr,

look forward to hearing more from you :inshallah:

Appa BK

Muslimah Light
Asalaamu Alaykum....

My name is Nooriah and i'm also frm SA...
Its was also by chance that i found this site.. Shukr
I'm studying law and inshallah hope to get my degree next year...


Nice meeting you,brother.

AS salaamualiakum brothers and sisters,
It is by chance that I found this site, Alhamdullilah it seems interesting and I hope to learn a lot from it.(knowledge is the key to bliss)
I am a student studying for a commerce degree.
Oh before I forget I am from South Africa;)
Was salaam to all

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So glad to have you with us,brother.

~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslim~Amin!

See you again,


Junior Member
AS salaamualiakum brothers and sisters,
It is by chance that I found this site, Alhamdullilah it seems interesting and I hope to learn a lot from it.(knowledge is the key to bliss)
I am a student studying for a commerce degree.
Oh before I forget I am from South Africa;)
Was salaam to all

By chance you came, by choice, you please stay!

(knowledge is the key to bliss), you say
Knowledge is also the key to stop Iblees ... I add!

We are all students too . Now can you tell us something about south african muslims that we here are not aware of. Where in South Africa one find olders muslim Mosque. Can you research and let us know when did Quran and Prophet saw preached Islam first come to South africa? WHere in SA, is oldest known Mosque, do you know??

Its just a wish to know, its fine incase you do not have the chance/resource to research into this question.