is a muslim who sins a non-muslim


Junior Member
Assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

This thread is important, because i have noticed that some members are misinformed regarding this topic. Some of the members declare muslims who sin non muslim.

Insha Allah some misconceptions will be corrected at the end of this thread.

When a person dies while he is a disbeliever/polytheist Allah will never forgive his disbelief/shirk. He will be forever in Hell.This is clearly mentioned in the Quran. And the One who sins and dies while he sins, but does not commit disbelief/shirk he will be in the Mashie'a of Allah. In the Mashie'a of Allah means it's up to Allah to punnish him or to forgive him.

Allah says: إن الله لا يغفر أن يشرك به ويغفر ما دون ذلك لمن يشاء } النساء:48}
translation: "Verily, Allâh forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives anything else to whom He pleases"

In many ahadieth it's mentioned that some muslims will be punnished. Why punnished? They will be punnished because of their sins. After punnishment according to their sins, they will enter paradise.

The disbelievers/mushriks who dies as non-muslim will never enter paradise. This is clearly mentioned in The quran.

Allah says:{إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَعَنَ الْكَافِرِينَ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُمْ سَعِيرًا خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا أَبَدًا }
translation: {Verily, Allaah has cursed the disbelievers, and has prepared for them a flaming Fire (Hell)Wherein they will abide for ever}

- A muslim who does not commit shirk/disbelief is still a muslim even if he commits big sins like killing, robbery etc....When he dies He will be punnished or forgiven { he is in the Mashie'a of Allah}. After the punnishment or forgiveness, he will enter paradise
- A person who is a disbeliever/mushrik when he dies while he is a non-muslim will enter Hell and will be there forever.

Wassalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh


New Member
Asalaam Malikum,

As a muslim when you sin it is all written down, even a deed is written nothing is erased and nothing is missing.

My father was killed by a filipino muslim, I believe that they are not the TRUE muslims and I know they will be judge for that, when the Judgement day comes.

All our sins and deeds are all written, even you have though about it and did not do it if it is a sin or a deed it is written down. Also what our real intention are? Will only be judge by Allah.
