Is Ghusl due when ..?


New Member
When I goto walmart, in some urgent situations I goto restroom for answering nature calls. I may not water to clean myself many a times.
In that case Ghusl becomes necessary on me? Or just washing the private parts alone should be good?
Please let me know.
jazakallahu khairan.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum,

Ghusl doesn't become necessary. As well as using istinjaa` when answering the call of nature, we can use istijmaar, which is the use of 3 (pieces of) hard substances, such as rocks, tissue paper etc... So no it doesn't become waajib, only the area of concern needs cleaning by one of the methods above, or by a combination of the two.

I would suggest you take a look at the following articles,

The first one talks about the matter in some more depth.



Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Ghusl is to wash the whole body after having ejaculation.. So just washing the private parts alone, you also need to wash your cloths from urine if its still wet, But if its dryed out then it would be better if you change them if possible.

Hope this answers you question.. :)


*Fear Allah*
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Ghusl is to wash the whole body after having ejaculation.. So just washing the private parts alone, you also need to wash your cloths from urine if its still wet, But if its dryed out then it would be better if you change them if possible.

Hope this answers you question.. :)

Salam Alaikum

Ghusl is a full body ablution but not only limited to ejaculation. Ejaculation is just one of the times it is mandatory. Ghusl is required at other times as well after menstration, child birth, etc.... I wanted to make sure she knows that it is not restricted to ejaculation since this is a sister. Then there are also others times were ghusl is mustahabb.

Wasalam Amirah80


Junior Member
Salam Alaikum

Ghusl is a full body ablution but not only limited to ejaculation. Ejaculation is just one of the times it is mandatory. Ghusl is required at other times as well after menstration, child birth, etc.... I wanted to make sure she knows that it is not restricted to ejaculation since this is a sister. Then there are also others times were ghusl is mustahabb.

Wasalam Amirah80

True.. Jazaki Allahu Khairan sister..:)


Salam Alaikum

Ghusl is a full body ablution but not only limited to ejaculation. Ejaculation is just one of the times it is mandatory. Ghusl is required at other times as well after menstration, child birth, etc.... I wanted to make sure she knows that it is not restricted to ejaculation since this is a sister. Then there are also others times were ghusl is mustahabb.

Wasalam Amirah80


also i heard that it is wajib that one has performed ghusl on friday before jumma