Is it called ''being obsessed'' ?


Junior Member
Assalam alakum

Maybe you have heard people like this or read fatwa about it. And even though i also read about it, i still feel like, i want to hear from more people if this is really being obsessed or is it something we should have normally.

I always feel like i touch with my clothes, hands, feet etc. to somewhere where there is ''impurity'' and therefore if i dont wash that place or clothe, my prayer will be invalid. I really have no certainty whether there was impurity or not but especially in toilet i feel like there is ''possbility'' to be najasah on somewhere, like on floor. And if i touch that place with my hands or feet with wetness, than that najasah will be transmitted on my body as well. So therefore i think like ''i have ability to go and wash it, so i shouldnt be lazy otherwise Allah will not accept my prayer''. Do you know what i mean ?

I know that many people or fatwa sites call this waswasa, but especially after reading on that if you touch somewhere impure with wetness, then it will transmit on you. So this is my main problem ''touching somewhere with wetness will transmit that najasah on you'' but problem is i am not sure whether there was impurity or whether its still remaining there or not. And also what i dont understand is; If water can clean somewhere impure, then how come when i touch somewhere with wetness, instead of cleaning there, the najasah will be on me as well ?

Maybe all this is, because of my lack of knowledge about cleaning. Yes there are books etc. but i dont know arabic and those websites or books can have their ''views, comments'' which i dont trust %100 if they dont give proof.

Can you please tell me, if you have knowledge about it, were people in Prophets time also was like this ? Or how they were ? Because as you see, even when i try to stop these ideas in my mind, then another idea come to me ''Allah will not accept your prayer, go and wash even if thats a doubt''


Junior Member

From what we know, they were not like this. Most followed Prophet:saw: suggestion in this matter. Once the real signs of impurity have been removed using recommended cleaning [wuzu or bath or washing away the impurity], STOP.

Its basically Compulsion in that particular obsession. Trying to "control" a non existing najas, is the fuel to the waswas thoughts. When the impurity is not existing, how can it be controlled? The 'impurity' must be from imagination. Simple.