Junior Member
Assalaamu alaikum
I am a reverted Muslimah of almost 3 years and I posted on here sometime ago about how I have managed to do so much in Islam and learn so much alhamdulillah and I follow all aspects of hijaab for women in dress and heart, except the scarf - I have been really struggling with this one last thing.
Anyway now I have decided enough is enough I need to do something, especially with Ramadan coming and becasue I am reminded of the ayat that Allah swt does not change the situation of the people until they change it themselves.
So...what I was thinking was this - there are currently 2 reasons ( they are excuses actually) or obstacles that stop me from wearing the hijaab full time - 1. is my family and 2. is my work.
My family - is something I must deal with, they will never go away but maybe insha'allah with time I can chnage the way they feel about me wearing a headscarf.
My work - I hope to leave at some point in the next year insha'allah.
So for now I am thinking that when I am going about my daily life and these 2 obstacles/excuses do not apply, what other reason is there for me not wearing it - none. So surely, I should wear hijaab like at the weekends when I do not see my Mum and Dad and am not at work - I have no excuse then and also perhaps this is a good way to get used to it and find the strength of mind, body and iman with Allah swt's help to overcome the family hurdle and deal with their reaction head on.
I have been shopping and seen some beautiful scarves too which also motivates me - I know that these are all wrong motivations, that Allah swt alone should be enough for me, but I am trying.
Do you think for me to therefore wear hijaab only some of the time - i.e. evenings, weekends rather than all the time as a TEMPORARY measure and to get used to wearing full-time, is better or worse than not wearing it at all??
Part of me thinks its better cos I am making moves and effort to sort out my haraam behaviour. Another bit of me says its hypocritical though and I am blatantly putting things above Allah swt astifrugallah (like work and family)
Help me please - I really want to do this but I am struggling if this is the best route. I know hijaab is a fard and I know I am currently commiting haraam and thats why I have decided to do someting about. I would love to wear full -time but currently I do not have the strength to do this - is this temporary measure a step in the right direction?
Jazak'allah khair.
Layla x
I am a reverted Muslimah of almost 3 years and I posted on here sometime ago about how I have managed to do so much in Islam and learn so much alhamdulillah and I follow all aspects of hijaab for women in dress and heart, except the scarf - I have been really struggling with this one last thing.
Anyway now I have decided enough is enough I need to do something, especially with Ramadan coming and becasue I am reminded of the ayat that Allah swt does not change the situation of the people until they change it themselves.
So...what I was thinking was this - there are currently 2 reasons ( they are excuses actually) or obstacles that stop me from wearing the hijaab full time - 1. is my family and 2. is my work.
My family - is something I must deal with, they will never go away but maybe insha'allah with time I can chnage the way they feel about me wearing a headscarf.
My work - I hope to leave at some point in the next year insha'allah.
So for now I am thinking that when I am going about my daily life and these 2 obstacles/excuses do not apply, what other reason is there for me not wearing it - none. So surely, I should wear hijaab like at the weekends when I do not see my Mum and Dad and am not at work - I have no excuse then and also perhaps this is a good way to get used to it and find the strength of mind, body and iman with Allah swt's help to overcome the family hurdle and deal with their reaction head on.
I have been shopping and seen some beautiful scarves too which also motivates me - I know that these are all wrong motivations, that Allah swt alone should be enough for me, but I am trying.
Do you think for me to therefore wear hijaab only some of the time - i.e. evenings, weekends rather than all the time as a TEMPORARY measure and to get used to wearing full-time, is better or worse than not wearing it at all??
Part of me thinks its better cos I am making moves and effort to sort out my haraam behaviour. Another bit of me says its hypocritical though and I am blatantly putting things above Allah swt astifrugallah (like work and family)
Help me please - I really want to do this but I am struggling if this is the best route. I know hijaab is a fard and I know I am currently commiting haraam and thats why I have decided to do someting about. I would love to wear full -time but currently I do not have the strength to do this - is this temporary measure a step in the right direction?
Jazak'allah khair.
Layla x