It is not justified as to prohibit a person using a mosque



2/114 Sura Al-Baqarah recited by Imam Shuraim & Sudais

And who is more unjust than him who prevents the Masjids of Allah from being remembered Allah swt Name in them, and strives in their desolation? As for these, it is not for them that they should enter them except in fear. For them is disgrace in this world, and for them in the Hereafter is a severe punishment.
~Al Baqarah Verse 2:114

( It is not justified as to prohibit a person using a mosque to a lot remembrance to Allah and prayer. Al Baqarah 114)

And who does more wrong than those who would hinder the name of Allah in Allah mosque, Masjid, and tried to knock it down? They were not fitting to have such characteristic into it (the mosque of Allah), except with the fear (Allah). They are in the world with baseness and in the Hereafter an awful doom.

Therefore banning people for using a mosque is very sinful.As stated in the holy qur'an too.
According to a hadith, one of the signs had been nearby the Hereafter is that the mosque will be built very luxurious, but the people who present at every mosque is very little.

Ali RA narrates that there are six important about human behaviors and honorable.

1. Reading the Qur'an.

2. Visiting the mosque regularly.

3. Gather the people who fought in the path of Allah SWT.

4. Sharing food with the poor.

5. Show good morals.

6. Treating the traveler with a friendly, while keeping ourselves in the rule of Allah.

May Allah accept our prayers and other devotions in the mosque, and make us a people who always visit the house of Allah (mosque) on a regular basis. Amiin

Responding on below dispute:

mosques in Britain do not allow women access to worship in mosque!

There are around 1,600 mosques in Britain. Well over half do not allow women access to worship and hardly any allow women a say on how the mosques are managed and run. Journalist Tazeen Ahmad follows a group of young Muslim women from the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPACUK) who are waging a determined campaign to force these mosques to open up.

~No one have the authorities to stop muslims from entering the mosque either to pray or doing charity work in the house of Allah swt!
Hoping this confusion between our family in Islam on disputing over prohibiting woman from enter mosques had been solved~Amin!

:tti_sister:May Allah swt shower blesses upon all muslim world wide~Amin!

~Happy The Holy Month Of Rajab!

Thank you,
Take Care!
