Itz Pathetic!!!


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alykomm

Brothers and Sisters Your kind attention plzz

My heart is very heavy over something so i thought of sharing it with you...

Whenever i visit any hypermarket in UAE,my heart bleeds at the site of Pork being at sale,readily available...The worst part is that you get HALAAL mutton/Beef in the same market on the other side...:astag:

What saddens me more is that how and why is such a thing allowed in an Arab country!! it shouldnt have been allowed at all!! Believe me,i start nauseating in such markets and loose my appetite alltogether..M HIGHLY:confused:

Wasalaamu alykomm wrwb


Junior Member
Dear Septithol

I guess my post has offended you very badly...In the first palce what i have mentioned is my hearltfelt feeling as a MUSLIM..

Second,itz not about liking/disliking pork,Itz haraam for muslims and tahtz it...

thirdly,I need not to grow my own food,Alhumdulillah,therz enough HALAAL food available,The best Native Food being DATES..

About my growing up,let me inform you that for me growing measures strictly in terms of the STRENGTHENING of my FAITH in Allah swt..

And my advice to you is not to jump to conclusions and aviod derogatory remarks of all kind..

May Allah show you the right way.


Well, here is a thought for you from the realm of those who do not act like spoiled three year olds:

If you don't like pork, don't eat it, and let others who do like it eat in in peace.

If it offends you that a grocery store sells pork, don't shop at that store.

If all the stores near you offend you by selling pork, then start producing your own food.

If you can't produce all of your own food, you are not in a position to dictate terms to those who can.

In the meantime, why don't you try growing up? Nobody is forcing you to eat the pork, or anything else you don't want to eat. Until they DO force you to eat the pork, you have nothing real to complain about.

Greetings Septithol

I don't know much about you but from some of your posts I read I take it your not muslim?!
The sister expressed her feelings at people who are selling Pork in the muslim market while there's Halal meat also being sold there by Halal butchers am I right sister? For any muslim to sell pork is totally forbidden or anything Unlawful which has been told. So I understand where the sister is coming from because I would feel the same.

So please do not make ignorant comments like that and call someone 'spoilt' simply because she expressed her feelings.!!


Here to help
salam alikom,

there is an expression called "Muslim by name" or "Muslim by passport" :)
La hawla wa la quwataa illa billah, may Allah guide this ummah.

Jabir Ibn Abdullah transmits from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
"Rasul (messenger) of Allah said in Mecca in the year of the conquest that: No doubt that Allah and His messenger forbade the selling of drink, unclean animal, pig and idols."
Bukhari, Buyu: 102; Muslim, Musaqat: 71; Tirmidhi, Buyu: 60; Ibn Maja, Tijara: 11.

read more:

wa salam alikom


Junior Member
Assalamu alykomm Brother D.Ahmad

Let me tell you that i dont mind the derogatory language of septithol..As far as being "spoilt" is concerned,i believe it applies on a soul,which is ignorant about Allah,Quraan and The Teachings of Prophet Muhammad(SAW)

Pork is Haraam and its open sale in a muslim country will keep on scratching my conscience,all the same..

May Allah swt's Blessings be upon you!


Pearl of Islaam
Assalaamu Alykomm

Brothers and Sisters Your kind attention plzz

My heart is very heavy over something so i thought of sharing it with you...

Whenever i visit any hypermarket in UAE,my heart bleeds at the site of Pork being at sale,readily available...The worst part is that you get HALAAL mutton/Beef in the same market on the other side...:astag:

What saddens me more is that how and why is such a thing allowed in an Arab country!! it shouldnt have been allowed at all!! Believe me,i start nauseating in such markets and loose my appetite alltogether..M HIGHLY:confused:

Wasalaamu alykomm wrwb

Allaicumu Salam dear sister.

Today nothing should supprise you neither all of us, especially in the country like UAE as many things have been aloowed there and they should not be. But Allhamdullilah we have many Muslims there who foolow Islam like their way of life. Influence of west is present in UAE in many parts and I am sure it will grow day by day. But else on what we should pay atention is that Shariah low is not present in all Emirates in UAE.

Being "Arab country" does not mean neccesery "Islamic country" so we should separate these two notations.

Please dear sister do not take these things to your heart and do not let them hurt you. We should make dua to Allah to guide our Ummah and to strenght our path that is leading us to Him SubhanAllah and may He have mercy upon us. Ameen

May Allah bless you dear sister



Junior Member
we have to make difference


Muslim country
( the people are Muslims but without apply the shariah )


Islamic country
(the people are Muslims and the Government apply the shariah)

plus UAE is full with no Muslims people !!!


Junior Member
There are many non-muslims in the uae so i don't see it being wrong in providing them with the food's they eat and drink because they are not obliged to eat any halal food as they are not muslim. We muslims have agreed this contract with Allah so therefore it's binding on us to ensure we eat halal food. Also the uae have limits regarding how much and where alcohol can be consumed.


Allah will decide
No, it is your Jihad....

If a Muslim brother or sister sells non-halal food, that is on them. Not you or anyone else will be to blame. IF they are true believers they will be questioned about it and will suffer the consequences.

It is your Jihad, to understand this goes on, not get upset about it, and thank Allah all the time that you don't eat pig, and make a reason for you to make dua for the owners of the store, and others who buy it.

Don't let Shaytan get you all upset. We don't live in a perfect world. Perfection is paradise......this is just the corridor of life.


New Member
I think you have to have acceptance for others...even if they do not believe like you.

I undestand it is an islamic country, but not everyone is islamic. Just because they eat pork has nothing to do with you -- no need to worry about it. I think just let Allah handle it. :)


Junior Member
Assalamu alykomm Brother D.Ahmad

Let me tell you that i dont mind the derogatory language of septithol..As far as being "spoilt" is concerned,i believe it applies on a soul,which is ignorant about Allah,Quraan and The Teachings of Prophet Muhammad(SAW)

Pork is Haraam and its open sale in a muslim country will keep on scratching my conscience,all the same..

May Allah swt's Blessings be upon you!

salam alikum dear ukhtii

you have masha allah:ma:a very good and pure spirit of a good muslims may allah bless you dear ukhtii, and i most congratulate you of your way of handling with such matters......... may allah grant you his read all time and reward you with al firdaous al aa'la..may allah guide us all to the right path...........
may allah swt forgive that sister who first answer you ukhtii to the right path
i love you for allah sake


american muslima
SEPTITHOL---- what is the point of you're being here??? you are obviously not trying to learn anything. You are only trying to attack and harass muslims. Get a life. I agree with the sister who posted this thread. PORK ALSO MAKES ME SICK. And let me tell you, I did not have a "spoilt" life. I had a very hard life from the time I was born. I have been through a lot. No one ever slammed my hand in the door because no one was brave enough to. Take your sob story somewhere else. If you're mad at the person who slammed your hand in the door when you were a kid, take it out on that person. You are a wimp if having your hand slammed in a door is a big deal to you anyway. Many people would love to have that happen to them instead of the lives they have had, WHICH YOU SHOULD KNOW considering the other things you say happened to you as a child.
How about all the innocent kids in Palestine watching their innocent parents get murdered? Or the parents in Palestine watching their innocent kids getting murdered on the way to school? Too bad they didnt make it to school. Would have been better if they had gotten a hand slammed in the door and were able to walk home to tell mom and dad about it. Your act is not working here. You make me sick. You need to go away or come here to ACTUALLY gain knowledge. Stop harassing people. It's RUDE. The only reason you are on here is because you are dead inside and you are hurt inside and you want someone to pay for it. Well, let me tell you I UNDERSTAND HOW YOU FEEL but you are taking it out on the wrong group of people. Go get help for your problems. Find a way to heal yourself. Stop harassing people you dont even know just so you can make them miserable like you.
By the way, since you are trying to look like you know things, it is NOT "spoilt" but spoiled. Spoiled is the correct way to spell the word. Please PAY ATTENTION.

Thank you. Sorry if I offended anyone (NOT INCLUDING SEPTITHOL).


american muslima
"Oh, and in the several years FOLLOWING that time, I was repeatedly beaten, burned, and sexually molested, several times a day, until I was fortunate enough to graduate from public school hell. If and when you go through THAT sort of treatment, every day, for at least 6 years, you can then talk to me how horribly 'upset' the mere sight of pork makes you. Otherwise, I shall continue to consider comments along those lines to be nonsense."

Where do you live, anyway??? I went to public school and I know for a FACT that stuff does not happen in public school.
I was abused off and on for the entire of my existence on this earth (23 years and counting) and I do not like seeing pork and I sure don't like hearing about it being sold alongside the halaal foods in a muslim country.
Been in your situation (or worse) and I agree with the poster. So I guess you can stop considering this view as nonsense.


Left long ago

This is really a hurting news for me that pork is sold in a halal meat shop of a Muslim country. SubhanAllah..We here in western country can not imagine having a muslim's halal meat shop with pork.

Pls do not worry about septithol brothers and sisters. Surely Allah can guide whoever HE wants to .... BUT...about this lady I am absolutely hopeless (unless a miracle occure). She is deprived of having even a very basic fundamental knowledge of Muslim belief and then she tries to act like a genious leader of morality.

Ms septithol I would like to remind you ONCE AGAIN

1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!

2. I worship not that which ye worship,

3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,

5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

6. To you be your Way, and to me mine.



Junior Member
There is a huge difference between a persons moral standing, and a religious commandment. Allah, subhana wa ta'ala, has forbidden the consumption of pork, therefore it absolutely should not be for sale in a Muslim business, in what is a predominately Muslim country. This is not a matter of food that we do not like, it is a matter of Muslims blatently, and publicaly, disobeying the tenants of our religion. Tenants that were revealed to us by Allah, s.w.t., not by some person trying to establish 'good behavior'.
And the idea that our moral standing is not impacted by others is simply wrong, or reflects a far too limited understanding of our place within a community. If for instance, my son commits a horrific crime than I will be shamed. Not because I commited or aided the crime but because I failed as a father to impart the proper moral values to my son. When a member of our community fails with regard to making proper decisions we have a responsibility to at least make an effort to rectify the problem. No, we cannot (normally) force someone else to make the proper moral decision, but we can encourage them, support them, guide them.


New Member
I SO do not understand how this can be a big deal at all. This is one of the things that I just do not understand about Islaml. I converted to Islam less than a year ago, but a big obstacle I find is the intolerance of the muslims I meet.

I talk to some of my muslim friends and they tell me that this intolerance is not islam -- that a lot of this is cultural misunderstanding.

Maybe the pork in the store is offensive like if I went to a store and found monkey meat? But what is the point to be so angry? I do not eat monkey meat...but there are probably those that do. And who am I to prevent this?

Am I so important that I should make the world change to meet my wants? Or should I just accept it and move on? I will live my life and try to be my best in Allah.

Muslims have such intolerance for the west....and I am starting to realize that this is the reason the west is becoming intolerant of Islam.


Left long ago
I SO do not understand how this can be a big deal at all. This is one of the things that I just do not understand about Islaml. I converted to Islam less than a year ago, but a big obstacle I find is the intolerance of the muslims I meet.

I talk to some of my muslim friends and they tell me that this intolerance is not islam -- that a lot of this is cultural misunderstanding.

Maybe the pork in the store is offensive like if I went to a store and found monkey meat? But what is the point to be so angry? I do not eat monkey meat...but there are probably those that do. And who am I to prevent this?

Am I so important that I should make the world change to meet my wants? Or should I just accept it and move on? I will live my life and try to be my best in Allah.

Muslims have such intolerance for the west....and I am starting to realize that this is the reason the west is becoming intolerant of Islam.

Asslam u Alaikum wr wb dear sister,

Congratulations and welcome to islam.

Sister you are mixing tolerence with "allowing an evil to be prevailed". We have no problem when a non-muslim is selling pork to another non-muslim. We have no problem when a non-muslim has girl friend or boy friend. We are very much tolerant here. Definition of good and evil is very much different to a muslim and a non-muslim.

The subject matter in this thread is selling pork along with halal meat by muslims in an islamic country. Consumption and any kind of involvement in pork is strictly prohibited by Allah SWT (who is the creator of heavens and earth and everything in between ...and who is the legislator). If any Muslim is invloved in such sort of activity, then it is certainly an evil and it must be denounced.

Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil is one of the greatest principles of Islam. Some scholars regard it as a pillar of Islam. What every Muslim must do is enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. This does not apply only to some Muslims and not others, rather it is obligatory upon every Muslim who knows anything of the religion of Allaah to convey it, whether it is a command or a prohibition.

Allaah has described the believers as denouncing evil and as enjoining what is good. He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“The believers, men and women, are Awliyaa’ (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another; they enjoin (on the people) Al‑Ma‘roof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do), and forbid (people) from Al‑Munkar (i.e. polytheism and disbelief of all kinds, and all that Islam has forbidden)”

[al-Tawbah 9:71]

“Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-Ma‘roof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden)”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:104]

Evil actions should be changed by any accountable person who sees them and is able to do something about it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever among you sees an evil action, then let him change it with his hand [by taking action]; if he cannot, then with his tongue [by speaking out]; and if he cannot, then with his heart – and that is the weakest of faith.” Narrated by Muslim (70) from Abu Sa’eed.

Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim: The words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), “let him change it” mean that this is obligatory according to the consensus of the ummah, and there is overwhelming evidence from the Qur’aan and Sunnah and scholarly consensus that it is obligatory to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil, and it also comes under the heading of naseehah (sincerity or sincere advice) which is Islam.

Al-‘Allaamah al-Quraafi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Furooq (4/257): The scholars said that enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil is obligatory and should be done immediately, according to consensus, and whoever is able to enjoin what is good should do so immediately.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah, His angels, and the inhabitants of heaven and earth, even the ant in its hole and even the fish, send blessings – i.e., pray for good – upon the one who teaches the people good.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2609) and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ hadeeth no 1839.

May Allaah help us all to do that which He loves and which pleases Him.

And Allah knows best

Wa Alaikum Salam wr wb



Junior Member
Dear Yeroc

Assalamu alykum

Good to hear that you have REVERTED to ISLAM,but I can see some loose strings regarding your Beliefs...The sale of Pork in an Islamic country is not a matter of my choice/likes/dislikes;itz simply a matter of a HARAAM(fORBIDDEN THING)being at sale along THE HALAAL....

And as far as the intolerance towards west goes,you are absolutely wrong,the case is reverse;itz the west taht has intolerance towards Islam,because somewhere deep in their hearts they do believe that one fine day,Islam will be the dominant religion which will take it(west)in its stride!!

May Allah swt increase your faith day by day(Ameen)


Staff member
As-salaamu 'alaykum.

Brothers & sisters, do not waste your time, get knowledge!

If any of the Muslims wastes his time discussing about things that have no benefit if you discuss about it, then threads will be closed!

Anyone who starts to spread lies about Islaam, deliberately, will be warned, if he doesn't listen, he will be banned.

Enough playing around!