Jesus Never said I am God, Worship Me

sandra canada

Laa ilaha illa Allah
Jesus never said I am God He is a Muslim Prophet of Islam

[yt]s7SFkp-ZV6E [/yt]

Matthew WHO?
Mark WHO?
Luke WHO?
John WHO?

[yt]CPzjoWtAWx0 [/yt]

what Was jesus(pbuh) MESSAGE?
[yt]oaZOVe8JHjA&eurl [/yt]
The Creation of jesus"Essa"
[yt]tSZhmc0xNYs [/yt]


If Jesus is God, fully and completely, how could God give his son to be sacrificed? Wouldn't he be giving himself


*Fear Allah*




I have seen this before but I watched it again I like Sheikh Khalid Yassin.
Salam Amirah80:hearts: