Asalamu Alejkum
I'm a muslimah who have a question concerning a dear friend of mine. The thing is that my friend is a young muslimah who has a problem and wants to find out what it is.
Her problem is that she gets scared when she hears the Qur'an, and the strange thing is that she doesn't know arabic and therefore doesnt understand what she hears. She always gets frightened and reacts both emotionally and physically when she hears it by crying and sometimes pulling her hair screaming to turn it off.
This has been a problem for her as she also expericences a change of character and becomes like "another" person.She feels she sometimes is not her true self. Also when she enteres the toilet she becomes more frightened and feels this strange feeling of being watched by someone/something. She is very scared that she might be possessed or something and is desperately trying to get a hold of a good sheikh who can help her.
I want to know what you guys think might be her problem and if anyone else has experience a simillar problem?
Asalamu Alejkum wr wb
I'm a muslimah who have a question concerning a dear friend of mine. The thing is that my friend is a young muslimah who has a problem and wants to find out what it is.
Her problem is that she gets scared when she hears the Qur'an, and the strange thing is that she doesn't know arabic and therefore doesnt understand what she hears. She always gets frightened and reacts both emotionally and physically when she hears it by crying and sometimes pulling her hair screaming to turn it off.
This has been a problem for her as she also expericences a change of character and becomes like "another" person.She feels she sometimes is not her true self. Also when she enteres the toilet she becomes more frightened and feels this strange feeling of being watched by someone/something. She is very scared that she might be possessed or something and is desperately trying to get a hold of a good sheikh who can help her.
I want to know what you guys think might be her problem and if anyone else has experience a simillar problem?
Asalamu Alejkum wr wb