Just Like You


a lonely traveller
Today they’ve decided to extradite me
To a place known as ‘The land of the free’
This title to me sounds absurd
Considering the harrowing stories I have heard
Why are they doing this? What did I do wrong?
Content and happy with my life I was going along

Early one morning my house did the police raid
A particularly nasty visit to me they paid
I felt their fists and boots lay into me during this riot
In the midst of this onslaught I vowed not to remain quiet
Is it because my rights I chose to defend
That as my punishment, to an unjust land I must be sent

As I await my fate a million thoughts run through my mind
Of all those I will leave behind
First of all, my beloved wife
With whom I’d promised to spend my life
Then there’s my devoted mother
Who’s cared for and loved me like no other
Of course there’s my father in his old age
Destined to see his son in a cage

When my mind lapses into such depressing thinking
It causes an increase in my suffering
The physical abuse I may just be able to bear
But it’s the mental torture that causes most wear
Somehow I prevent myself from becoming irate
Instead I seek solace in my faith

I am reminded that I’m a stranger holding onto hot coal
This is my path to achieving the ultimate goal
My verdict has now been announced
I was one of the first on whom they pounced
After hearing my news and carrying on doing whatever you do
Remember, at one time I was just like you!

courtesy: cageprisoners


:ma:beautiful!! May Allah keep our brothers strong and patient at the hands of the enemy, Ameen!!:tti_sister:Jazakallahu Khairan!!



You have made my day. Our brothers and sisters have given us real lessons on how to be pious Muslims and liberate our souls.


Junior Member
To, Hussai Muhammad


Masha-allah, this poem is that deep you can feel it as the words are read.
It makes us realise how important your loved ones are.