Last supper in the quran


Hey guys! Or asalam alaykom :)

I was checking out the quran and read that part of Jesus' miracles included food that was sent down from heaven. Could that be the last supper in the bible but twisted?


Hey there! thanks for your reply. I meant the bible twisted the actual event, not the Quran.

Assalaam alaikum,

I figured as much. I must correct myself. The Injil is correct. It is how others changed it that is twisted.


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
Hey guys! Or asalam alaykom :)

I was checking out the quran and read that part of Jesus' miracles included food that was sent down from heaven. Could that be the last supper in the bible but twisted?

wa aleykum salaam;

Shall we kindly refer to the verses?

5:111) And recall when I revealed to the disciples to believe in Me and in My Messenger, they said: "We do believe, and we bear witness that we indeed are the ones who submit to Allah"

(5:112) Also recall when the disciples asked Jesus, son of Mary: 'Jesus, son of Mary, has your Lord the power to send down to us a repast from the heaven?' There- upon Jesus said: 'Fear Allah if you do indeed have faith.'

(5:113) They said: 'We desire to partake of it that our hearts be satisfied and we know that you did speak the truth to us, and that we are its witnesses.'

(5:114) Jesus, son of Mary, then prayed: 'O Allah, our Lord, send down to us a repast from the heavens that shall be a festival for the first of us and for the last of us, and a sign from You. And provide us with sustenance, for You are the best Provider of sustenance.'

(5:115) Allah said: 'I shall indeed send it down to you; then, I shall afflict whoever among you who disbelieves with a chastisement wherewith I will afflict none in the worlds.'

Let us join hands and think

Would there come anyone of (Us) or them come forward and INSIST of 'that food being sent down?" to the wordings of verse (5:115)?

In facilitating my wanting to share; as for them the Kuran Remained silent;
now to Us here on the forum just imagine; will anyone insists for that said Last 'super to be brought down?



Smile for Allah

So the Maaidah is the Last Supper? I'm not aware of what the Bible says about the Last Supper - was it food sent from Heaven?


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum

The Christians belive that the last supper was the last meal shared with 12 apostles of Jesus (peace be upon him) before his death. Jesus asked God... the Father... to bless the bread and wine, gave to apostles to eat and drink and said the bread is his body and the wine is his blood in order that they will remember him...Christians keep this tradition every year on Easter time when they consume bread and wine blessed by the priests.
That`s the long story short..
But the food sent from the sky was other occasion....also known as the "miracle of the five loaves and two fish" given that the Gospel of John reports that five small barley loaves and two small fish supplied by a boy were used by Jesus to feed a multitude of people ...

As muslims we have to belive Quran was sent to eliminate all the errors from other religious texts, Alhamdulllah.