Latinized And English Names of Arabic Origin



The concepts developed by the Muslim astronomers and scientists were widely studied in Europe and became the basis of modern astronomy and science.
Most of the names of stars in European languages are derived from Arabic origin as shown in the table below.

Latinized/English Name ----> [/COLOR]Arabic Name
Achernar ----> Akhir al-Nahr
Acrab ----> Aqrab (Scorpion)
Altair ----> Nasr al-Tair
Daneb ----> Dhanab al-Dujajah
Denebola ----> Dhanab al-Asad
Fomal Haut ----> Famm al-Hut

In the Mathematical vocabulary the Algebra, zenith, Nadir and cipher are borrowed from Arabic words.

Latinized/English Name ---->Arabic Name
Algebra ----> al-Jabr
Algorism, Algorithm ----> Al-Khawarizmi
Zenith ----> Cenit
Azimuth ----> Al-sumut
Cipher, Zero ----> Sifr

Famous Scientists

Arabic Name Latinized/ ----> English Name
Jabir Ibn Haiyan ----> Geber
Al-Khawarizmi ----> Algorism, Algorithm
Al-Kindi ----> Alkindus
Al-Battani ----> Albategnius
Al-Farghani ----> Al-Fraganus
Al-Razi ----> Rhazes
Al-Farabi ----> Al-Pharabius
Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahravi ----> Albucasis
Al-Haitham ----> Alhazen
Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi ----> Alboacen
Ibn Sina ----> Avicenna
Ibn Zuhr ----> Avenzoar
Ibn Rushd ----> Averroes
Al-Zarqali ----> Arzachel
Al-Bitruji ----> Alpetragius
Al-Sufi ----> Azophi
Ibn Bajah ----> Avempace
Ali Abbas ----> Hale Abbas