Let Us Be Muslims


Junior Member
:bismillah: ::


While Islam is being oppressed and most of the Muslims are clamouring for Jihad, why not we take a look at ourselves first; Are we being a true Muslim or otherwise. How can we seek :Allah's help if the basics are neglected or not being complied wholehearetedly.

Each of us must be constantly reminded that we must be true Muslims if we are to gather the strength to fight the enemies of Islam. Today we still find lots of people who called themselves Muslims but are not doing the duties expected of a Muslim such as praying 5 times daily, fasting during Ramadhan and paying the zakat. ::ma:

We must always undertand what is the difference between a Muslim and Kafir. What Iman means to a Muslim and what must we do to get Allah's help and His Barkah to the Muslims.

In most Muslim countries the youth are influenced by the western media onn their code of conduct, dress code i.e. ignoring the need to cover the aurat, indulging in drugs, alcohol and other maksiat.:frown:

We have to go back to basics to strengthen the Ummah so that Allah SWT may bless us and present His divine help.
