*Lifetime Wisdom*


...On a Comeback

I translated this semi-story from a book for Imam Ibn Qayyem Aljawzya, which is called: "Madarej Assalykeen".

"Once, there was a muslim man who went out from his house, going to the masjid (mosque) for prayer. On his way, an evil man saw him and started to curse. Now, If the muslim stopped and started to curse back, probably starting a fight, maybe he would have been beaten and eventually would've missed the prayer. But what if he beat him? It looks good and satisfactory for him, but again he would've ended up missing the prayer. Another thing he might do is that he might've looked at him with anger or maybe concern and then went on, but that would only increase the desire within the evil man, and he would be cursing him even more. But if the muslim ignored the other and focused on what he had to do, his enemy couldn't do anything to harm him and he'll be at the masjid on time, which is his goal and priority."

Brothers & sisters, this story teaches an important and powerful law, which is the law of Focus. We can't achieve a goal in our lives if we don't concentrate 100% on it. This includes worship as the story shows.

Nowadays, do you see, hear, and read all the things in the media and newspapers regarding how bad Islam is? All the insults to the faith, the prophet :saw: , and the quran? Alot of muslims think that this attack on Islam is to target the non-believers and make them hate Islam and muslims, which makes dawah very difficult. But making dawah difficult is not the only objective, not even the main objective! There is another reason behind all that. Do you see it now?

The target is US!
Yes! It's me, you, and all the muslims around the world.
How?! Let's look at our options:
  1. If we respond in protests, speeches in mosque's, articles in websites, etc..., we lose the focus on the things that we should do, waste time, and give them every reason to continue with their assault.
  2. If we ignore them, we have all the time & concentration to do the things that we should do. They will lose hope in affecting us, and the all insults will greatly decrease if not vanished.
The majority of muslims today fall in the first category. That's why they started this assault, and that's why they'll continue. Nobody will benefit anything by destroying some stupid danish websites, because they will simply launch new ones. The insults towards muslims started 14 centuries ago, on the first day the prophet :saw: declared his message, and was stopped only when muslims were a true ummah.

Now turn off those stupid TV's & throw away those lying newspapers. Grab a quran. LEARN IT, UNDERSTAND IT, THEN APPLY IT in your life. Study the prophet's :saw: sunnah & APPLY IT in your life. In general, there are three main areas to work on:
  1. Eman
  2. Character
  3. Comptence
If we truely internalize and the develop these three areas, we can really enter paradise in spectacular fashion insha' Allah. We can enter paradise by being a REAL MUSLIM UMMAH. Only then, the non-believers will think a thousand times before saying anything about Islam.

I apologize if the post is long since I'm new here, but I really felt like posting it because I care about you and all the other muslims in the world. I ask Allah (subhanah) that all of us enter paradise and be among the righteous ones.

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك، أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت، أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

Your brother,



Junior Member
Jazak Allahu Khair, nice post, brother :) It is easy to get caught up in reading all the negativity about Islam but you are absolutely right about where our focus should be and it is a good reminder for myself :)