losing a beloved!..

i also just lost my fiance in an accident ten months ago, after which i have started praying more regularly and asking allah for his mercy every minute!. i have been more upset because this was my second engagement as my previous engagement did not work out and was called off in a month!, still a lot of people kept talking about it which affected me a lot, i finally met this boy after 2 years and thought he was going to be the one! but unfortunately that ill fated day came when he died in a road accident when he was coming to meet me from a different city!. i believe he was a shaheed,as i read somewhere that a person dying during a journey goes to jannah and dies the death of a martyr, but in either case, allah subhanawatallah knows best! and i cannot judge, i can just pray for him and hope he is jannati! i think of him every time i even shut my eyes to talk to allah..i even went for umrah during ramdhan this year, mashallah, and performed six umrahs asking allah to give him all the sawab!. i have started looking at life positively even though i have severe bouts of depression more than often, i think of him all the time and cry a lot because i know eachday after his death could have been different if the accident did not happen! i want to know if the dead know they are dead?. and could this accident have been avoided?. is fate predecided or allah keeps changing it according to prayers?. does nazar (evil eyes) lead to death?. because my fiance and i had a lot of evil eyes and nazar!. i prayed very little then!. which i regret! but sometimes i am confused with allahs plans because he was the best i could have imagined!he was an angel at heart and the most amazing person iv met till date, infact i always thought how lucky i was to have him!.this huge episode of losing my fiance has taught me somuch, maybe this was allah subhanawatallas plans to make me stronger and get more closer to him.. or maybe it was a way to punish me, because i misbehaved with my parents regarding gettin married so early, sometimes i wish i never did, maybe this wouldnt have happened, but again i realize , that i cant really plan much when there is a master plan thats unfolding everyday by the god almighty!!please pray he gets the highest rank or jannahs, my only desire is to meet him when im there, inshallah, if allah blesses me with jannah! life has become so different now.. . please help me