Seeking Allah's Mercy
Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Today was a very busy day. The da'es today were myself and two others, one brother and one young sister.
We had many folks come to the table, and I did most of the talking. The older bro. who was in charge has asked me to come back; he said not every day, as that would burn anyone out, but every other day.
This time we had one or two who wanted to get political, and one said that the Qur'an lied about Jesus s.a.w. but he wasn't interested in hearing about it.
We had one young man who is close to shahadah - I got his contact info and will put him in touch with a local masjid. Most likely I will meet him there, as most of the masajid here in Sacramento don't bother answering their phones or emails. Also one man who turned out to be a Christian minister walked away with a Qur'an and brochures about Islam.
It was a good day, and I am beat.
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu....
mashallah akhi.this is goodmay ALLAH sobhanuhu wa taa'la grant you high for your efforts.....
i remember reading it somewhere:the prophettold hadhrat Ali radiallahu taa'la unhu before he went off to fight a soldier in battle of khyber:
"if one of them accepts islam on your dawah it's better for you..."(not the exact words, just the theme).