Interesting Map Of Europe 1000AD to present Day


Staff member
assalamu alaykum,

You might want to mute the rather ominous music! It is interesting to see how things fluctuate, subhanAllah. It would be really strange to see border disputes happening now, although there are a lot of tensions in the Balkans. Many displaced Bosnian Muslims who can not return to their homes. Then there are those nations which want to be free from the yoke of Russia.



ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Wa`alaikum salaam warahmatullaah.

Subhaanallaah indeed, the change from then to now is just so overwhelming! jazaakallaahu khayr for sharing this and for the heads up on the creepy music. Only problem was my thought for the first minute which went along the lines of "Ahh, so many things changing at once, where do I focus my eyes on??"


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wow, that was really awesome!!! Thank you for sharing. We think the world is so modern and civilized today but it is still the same- every year you have +- ~5 countries.


Laa ilaha ilaa Allah
Staff member
I had noticed that, it must be a mistake. Normandy and England were part of the same kingdom for a while, and Bordeaux too but at other times. I'm not so sure of the details, but I always thought there was more crossover.


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ

France was the only constant - almost unchanged.

Good observation. Of course, the famous Frank reign. And wow, the way the Roman Empire was shattered into tiny winy pieces ...

... would have lifted the video, and its efforts, if the chronology was referenced with times. Then the choice of post apocalyptic music would have made perfect sense ... informative overall. Great share.
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Smile for Allah

I too wished there had been the dates listed out as the chronology moved along. Must have been some really weird music since everyone commented on it. I just saw the whole thing on mute.


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
As did I, but the last few seconds, instead of pressing the pause button, hit volume instead, and wow, felt like I was nearing the end of civilisation.


Smile for Allah

OMG, I have to admit I went back and listened to it and that's enough to scare anyone's socks off. Made me think there were alien UFO's landing outside or something. Ok, now I feel completely messed up. I innocently had the 'my mother'' childrens' nasheed in my head, and this totally ruined it.


Rabbe Zidni Illma

@Tabassum07 - That was some observation. I hardly could figure out what was happening in the Video. It went so fast that by the time I saw one thing, the other changed.

Is there some slow speed version of this video?? My eyes just can't go that fast.o_O