Meaning of the name ZUNAIRAH


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

Zunairah was slave owned by one of the women of Quraish..she was tortured by her masteress and her other servants until she went blind :(..her story is quite beautiful..despite her torture and her blindness she never rejected Allah and remained steadfast..and that's why Allah (swt) rewarded her by granting her the gift of sight again upon her making dua'a for it...sobhanallah!..I should also add that she was Roman..and she's considered a companion of Rasulullah (saaws)

I don't know the actual meaning of the name unfortunately..but perhaps someone else does :)



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

Meaning of Zunairah is "Flower found in Paradise"


Wow!..that's so beautiful!..mashallah!..Jazaki Allah every khair sister..I knew the history aspect of the name but not its actual meaning...what a beautiful meaning!..I am *really* liking it :shymuslima1:



Well-Known Member
Staff member

Meaning of Zunairah is "Flower found in Paradise"



Old thread I know. I've seen this come up on google results, but doubt it's true as no major Arabic dictionary gives it this definition. Have you got a citation for this please?

On another note, there doesn't seem to be such word/name as Zunairah but rather, Zunnairah (tashdid/emphasis on noon), which means: a small pebble; a small fly that lives in gardens, toilets. See this link for more (Arabic):زنر

On a better note, the name Zineerah (Zinnîrah) was that of a Sahabiyah who was persecuted by the Quraysh...

P.S I found this thread while googling!

EDIT: Ok, According to Ibn Hajr, Zunairah is how some scholars spelt the name of the Sahâbiyah.