Media and Muslims be Proud of being Muslim


Junior Member
As a non muslim this is not what i would want to hear from a muslim scholar. This is NOT about bombs. It is about the love and compassion of the Almighty. That is what I want to hear and to know what God says in the Qur'an. I would personally never show this to a person who is looking to convert. This is fuel for people who are anti islam. It tells him nothing positive about Islam. Not a good advert this time round.


Seek Truth, Be Happy
Hi BG,

I think you missed the point. The scholar here is raising the issue how muslims are being asked sometimes stupid questions direct on their face by non-muslims. In his opinion due to these harsh questions muslims are tend to avoid talking to non-muslims or shying away with their responsibilities to clear their misconceptions.

He is advising muslims not to hide from non-muslims but to be more social and pro-active in explaining the deeen of Islam.

In the last of clip he says that even if some harsh non muslims insit you to answer this question that "Do you know how to ...?" then he put forward his suggestion which is to sit down with him for some time and explain him about Deen (Religion of Islam - the way of life).

Perhaps you can watch it again.
