Miracle of ALLAH SWT


Slave of Almighty
5 year old sheikh in Tanzania

Five-years-old speaks in five languages - English, French, Italian, Swahili and Arabic - even though he ... all » is completely uneducated.

At one year old he was able to recite the Quran and went on to be able to preach in Arabic, Swahili and French without any learning


shazia malik

New Member
miracle of ALLAH

i am so surprised to see this little Scholar I wonder where he is now. If any one has, any information please let me know I want to know more about him. He is truly miracle of ALLAH . thanks for sharing this amazing video.

Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

Could someone please translate what is being said by this kid? It's almost startling to see one so young being so zealous; and without much/any education? Wow...

Thanks in advance.