** Miracles/Signs Of Allah(swt) **

Musa abu A'isha

Aussie Muslim

What about this miracle -


This was a crucifix found in Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks...

I could almost promise you some of the 'miracles' we see are from the Shaytaan because of the way we respond to them.

The tree in Sydney had to be cut down by the Muslims because of the amount of Shirk people were making towards it.
When I see a bean or piece of meat that someone imagines to say Allaah on it I don't frame it, I eat it!

We have the greatest of Miracles with us - The Qur'an. Its unlike any other miracle in that it can be proven to be from God.


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they are signs from Allah
u should show the bean maybe take a pic and show to kufars, so they could see
that Allah is giving signs
whats with the rusty old plus sign^^ :lol: i dont get ya?

Musa abu A'isha

Aussie Muslim
When I saw these beans etc. as a non-Muslim I laughed at it and thought Muslims must be fools.. No jokes there Akhi.

We CANNOT say these are from Allaah without evidence. The only miracle we have left with us that we know is from Allaah is the Qur'aan.


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how do u know..
so its all a coocidence(however thats spelt lol) ????????

so the patter comes from no where..
you remind me of Atheists (sister)
(no offence)
all they say the earth the universe us ..everything is a coocidence ?:p

Musa abu A'isha

Aussie Muslim
Some things are just people's imaginations working overtime...
Others are possibly planned, either by being faked or by the Shaytaan.
And of course there is always the possibility that someting is from Allaah.

After the time of the Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) the Shaytaan (Iblees) came to the people and told them to make statues of some of the pious people that came before them. He told them to do so that they might remember Allaah when they see them.
The Shaytaan as we see told them to do something which would bring them good, that is remembering Allaah, however later he got the people to step by step fall into Shirk by worshipping them.

This is a precedent to show that not everything which we see as good must definitely be good or be from Allaah. Sometimes the Shaytaan will trick us into believeing something until we start worshipping it, just like the people did with that tree in Sydney.

May Allaah save us from the traps of the Shaytaan...


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Some things are just people's imaginations working overtime...
Others are possibly planned, either by being faked or by the Shaytaan.
And of course there is always the possibility that someting is from Allaah.

After the time of the Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) the Shaytaan (Iblees) came to the people and told them to make statues of some of the pious people that came before them. He told them to do so that they might remember Allaah when they see them.
The Shaytaan as we see told them to do something which would bring them good, that is remembering Allaah, however later he got the people to step by step fall into Shirk by worshipping them.

This is a precedent to show that not everything which we see as good must definitely be good or be from Allaah. Sometimes the Shaytaan will trick us into believeing something until we start worshipping it, just like the people did with that tree in Sydney.

May Allaah save us from the traps of the Shaytaan...
ooo000ooo0oohhh.. i get you now..
but im still curious why did yu put a rusty cross picture =/ ???????



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Sign Of Allah (SWT)


"And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." (Al Quran, 3:85)

Musa abu A'isha

Aussie Muslim
That story above seems amazingly dodgy... It actually made me laugh a bit.

The cross is there because Christians claimed it was a miracle from God. Just my way of saying not everything that looks miraculous is a miracle from God.


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what shall i take it off, delete it.
i dont want to be spreading lies...
so i think i will.. just incase


Junior Member
ooo000ooo0oohhh.. i get you now..
but im still curious why did yu put a rusty cross picture =/ ???????

He want to say : it's the same way for Christianity to make stories...a cross is standing in the ruin building ...pictures...ect and they say it's miracle from god ... :astag::astag::astag:

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Well if this Cross is a such mircale , then why this mircale didnt stopped the thousands killed that day or even the destruction of Twin towers itself?

I wonder how "+ " called a cross when infact we all know this "X " is a cross

Miracle is not that some iron bars in a thousand of iron rods and pillars have a shape of a +, but the Miracle would have been that the building was indestructable because some iron bars have made a + randomly.

May Allah show these strayed people- Christians the right way to Allah - The only Creator of worlds


sister in Islam
After the time of the Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) the Shaytaan (Iblees) came to the people and told them to make statues of some of the pious people that came before them. He told them to do so that they might remember Allaah when they see them.
The Shaytaan as we see told them to do something which would bring them good, that is remembering Allaah, however later he got the people to step by step fall into Shirk by worshipping them.

May Allaah save us from the traps of the Shaytaan...[/QUOTE]

Salams ,very good point Br. Makes you think mashallah


Junior Member
a pious man said to an other pios man: "I know 1000 evidences proofing the existence of Allah" than the other man replied: "It means you have got 1000 doubts regarding Allahs existence."


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a pious man said to an other pios man: "I know 1000 evidences proofing the existence of Allah" than the other man replied: "It means you have got 1000 doubts regarding Allahs existence."
ok, is anyone going to explain this lol


Junior Member
ok, is anyone going to explain this lol

I just wanted to say if u really belief in Allah u don´t need a proof, like nickandsadiesmom allredy explained. A firm belief in Allah is when your iman is not incrasing because miracles taking place but staying in the same level. maybe I failed the topic.... sorry